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Offline eaton1981

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Schematic reading advice/tips
« on: Jun 18, 2012, 09:44 »
Not that it should be too much of a problem for interviews coming up, but does anybody know of a good resource for learning how to use schematics in the civilian world? I could use a good refresher just in general, and definitely if I get into ops.

It seems like each platform I served on had schematics that had a weird way of being read a certain way compared to the other platforms' prints. and they symbols used seemed to change from platform to platform as well.

BTW, I was an EM, and yeah, I admit that I have trouble with them. Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Schematic reading advice/tips
« Reply #1 on: Jul 13, 2012, 12:01 »

Here's a brief description of the topics:

Module 1 - Introduction to Print Reading
This module introduces each type of drawing and its various formats. It also
reviews the information contained in the non-drawing areas of a drawing.
Module 2 - Engineering Fluid Diagrams and Prints
This module introduces engineering fluid diagrams and prints (P&IDs); reviews
the common symbols and conventions used on P&IDs; and provides several
examples of how to read a P&ID.
Module 3 - Electrical Diagrams and Schematics
This module reviews the major symbols and conventions used on electrical
schematics and single line drawings and provides several examples of reading
electrical prints.
Module 4 - Electronic Diagrams and Schematics
This module reviews electronic schematics and block diagrams. It covers the
major symbols used and provides several examples of reading these types of
Module 5 - Logic Diagrams
This module introduces the basic symbols and common conventions used on logic
diagrams. It explains how logic prints are used to represent a component's
control circuits. Truth tables are also briefly discusses and several examples of
reading logic diagrams are provided.
Module 6 - Engineering Fabrication, Construction, and Architectural Drawings
This module reviews fabrication, construction, and architectural drawings and
introduces the symbols and conventions used to dimension and tolerance these
types of drawings.


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