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KAPL NOP program
« on: Sep 11, 2009, 04:29 »
Hello everyone

I am a degreed EE (No Navy) with a heavy power focus. I want to get into the nuclear power field. is the Nuclear operations program (NOP) at KAPL a good start? I worry about jobs for the future as most positions seem to say experience with commercial nuclear plants. How about I&C with KAPL.... would this experience transfer over well? My head is spinning right now with different opportunities. What do you know about KAPL? Is it a good place to work? I’ve read posts that make me wonder. Thanks

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Re: KAPL NOP program
« Reply #1 on: Sep 12, 2009, 08:22 »
Hello everyone

I am a degreed EE (No Navy) with a heavy power focus. I want to get into the nuclear power field. is the Nuclear operations program (NOP) at KAPL a good start? I worry about jobs for the future as most positions seem to say experience with commercial nuclear plants. How about I&C with KAPL.... would this experience transfer over well? My head is spinning right now with different opportunities. What do you know about KAPL? Is it a good place to work? I’ve read posts that make me wonder. Thanks

I have seen a few folks who did this program, mostly from by instructor tour at NNPTC.  You'll go through the same initial training as a naval officer....6 months of nuclear power school followed by six months of training at the prototype in New York.  You'll then do rotating shift work as a staff instructor at prototype, training students and various other tasks. 

Not a job I would want to do.....
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Re: KAPL NOP program
« Reply #2 on: Sep 12, 2009, 09:35 »
There are several paths into KAPL. 
The NOP program as Gamecock described runs you through the pipeline and you become an instructor at one of the protype sites on rotating shiftwork.  At some point following that KAPL is going to want you to transfer back to the laboratory in Pittsburgh in work as an engineer utilizing your operating experience.
KAPL also hires directly into the lab.  If you wan to move up in the company, you'll be asked to go do a field tour at one of the shipyards for a few years and then go back to the lab.
KAPL isn't really KAPL any more.  The two prime contractors have been combined into entity known as Bechtel Propulsion Machinery Division.  The re-organization under Bechtel lowered the general pay scale for engineers starting out with the company (at least that's what I hear from the 6 KAPL engineers I work with).
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Re: KAPL NOP program
« Reply #3 on: Sep 12, 2009, 12:17 »
I have had the displeasure of working at the Kesselring site. I would not recommmend it to anyone in any position. Their philosophy is to micro manage everything and their acceptance criteria is perfection. I have seen many an engineer go through the program, then one mistake - probation, two and you are through. The starting pay for engineers used to be in the low 40s with a gradual increase from there. You may hit the 60s in a few years. That is considerably less than a technician gets in a commercial facility. Since you have a degree, you might try working for some of the nuclear vendor companies. That way you can work some short term jobs doing different things, meet some experienced engineers, and travel a little bit.


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Re: KAPL NOP program
« Reply #4 on: Nov 09, 2009, 05:33 »
I'm actually an EE in the NOP right now working for KAPL, and the starting pay is typically close to the national average of whatever field you've majored in and I assure you it's much higher than low 40s as previously stated.  It's really a great way to break into the nuclear field, but you will work hard for it.  KAPL won't make you transfer to the Bettis laboratory in Pittsburgh, typically you'll pretty much have your pick (after your done with NOP at Kesselring) of what KAPL site you want to work at (Kesselring or Knolls) both within 30-40mins of each other in Upstate NY.  The commercial nuclear plants eat up the NOP people like candy because of how good the training is, you very well may not get a better start to your career especially in these times.


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