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I've called in from:
from: the side of the road(actually broken down)
another state
a total stranger's house(proud of that one)
drunk tank(that one too)
comfort of my own bed, just being lazy
--- Quote from: RL on Jan 10, 2004, 10:02 ---How about I called in from the county jail !!! 8) 8)
--- End quote ---
yeah, me too.
I was working out at handford in the old days they were running then.81'
and the whole car pool called in from the outter gate one day! Single ring on the phone ment they were on site some where! lol
the same car pool all called in from the Bar one time. and they never left early ;D
Called from home just before leaving to hunt. explained this to the boss man. His response was that that was fine. This surprised me. I was surprised even more when he said he was on his way out the door of the shop to get in his RV and go hunting as well. That kinda spoils all of the fun of calling in. Don't you think?
Worked at a plant in the midwest where management would call off work due to hazardous road conditions. I'd usually make it in to work before work was cancelled for the day so I'd watch from the office window as people came into the parking lot, called inside to a friend to find out if work was cancelled, and then turn around and drive back home.
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