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Author Topic: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator  (Read 9143 times)

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Offline Nukette

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I have gotten my foot in the door of the nuclear industry as a Security Officer, but am looking to become a part of operations.  I have been applying to other plants across the nation with no luck.  I have some RPT schooling done, not that it helps too much in operations, and I have studied and became familiar with the POSS layout.  What else can I be doing to assist in moving up and where should I be looking?  Is there more schooling that I could do or any specific plants I should be looking at?  Although the job is great, being a Security Officer is not my calling.  Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated!! ;D

Offline Higgs

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #1 on: Jul 08, 2012, 04:32 »
At the two places I've worked at, you need at least a two year technical degree or navy experience to hire in as an NLO. I have heard of security crossing over on one occassion, but I'm not sure of the specifics.

Others will chime in with their experiences, but no one can speak to you plants specific requirements. If I were you, I'd go talk to the ops manager about it.

Recognize that you'd first go through NLO to get to RO.

« Last Edit: Jul 08, 2012, 04:33 by Higgs »
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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #2 on: Jul 08, 2012, 04:39 »
Here is on success story of a non nuke getting in. Maybe it will be helpful to you.,26776.0.html

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

Offline Nukette

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #3 on: Jul 08, 2012, 10:04 »
Thank you for the suggestions and the help!  I went through his success story and it seems like I need to up my schooling and up my experience in the nuclear industry also.  Do you have any suggestions on what schools, or what subject I should study?  Thank you!

Offline STGN

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #4 on: Jul 15, 2012, 01:00 »
At my plant there are a number of operators who were once in Security, RP, etc, including a shift manager.  You already have a step up on some others that may try to get a job at your plant in that you're already there and know your way around.  I'd suggest talking to some of the operators and ask who a good contact would be to talk to with respect to a transfer.  Talk to him and let him know you're interested and see what he suggests.  If you haven't been to some sort of systems class, you might want to see if you can get enrolled in one of them as well. 

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #5 on: Jul 18, 2012, 04:54 »
If your plant has a program where you can volunteer to do other jobs during an outgae (foreign material control, helping with fuel movements, serving as a work coordinator, etc.) take advantage of the opportunity, if you can, to build your resume and gain experience in non-security areas.

Offline VTnuke

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #6 on: Jul 19, 2012, 11:07 »
There are 2 main routes at my plant. 

#1 - Navy nuke.
#2 - Work up from equipment operator.

If the first isn't an option, all of the EOs at my plant LOVE their job.  You will have to pass an entrance exam and a background check.  You have to be squeaky clean to work nuclear.

Hope that helps.

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #7 on: Jul 19, 2012, 11:10 »
There is a great guy at my plant that started as a security officer.  He then got promoted to security supervisor.  When he (just like you) decided that security was not his calling, he began talking to the OPS guys.  Once he got a good word in, the OPS Manager called him in to discuss his options.

He got hired as a NLO/NEO (depending on what you call it at your plant).  He worked for an NEO for 3 years.  He recently interviewed for a NCO/RO job.  He got it.  He has been in class for about 3 months.  Said it is tough, but the right decision for him.

Hope that helps.

Offline Nukette

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Re: How and where do I start to become a Reactor Operator
« Reply #8 on: Jul 20, 2012, 01:23 »
thank you that definitely helps!  I have been working on talking to the OPS guys about what I should be studying and what not, and am making it pretty clear that I want to move there.  Any and all other suggestions are greatly appreciated!  Thanks again!


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