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What should be done with Chernobyl #4?
Radgal had it right off the getgo, Bechtel and company are preposing the the construction of the largest movable structure ever built, to be moved into place over unit 4.
this is definatley a tuffy...
on one hand we can build a concrete barrier that will eventually crumble, on the other hand we could build an iron structure which could rust....
just wondering..why didnt we cover it with lead bricks like we did TMI?
its a shame the rad in there is wayyyy to high for anyone to enter and start decon there.
IMHO lead bricks would be as much a safety hazard in the eyes of the "safety" people as exposure installing other protective barriers.
My recent 30 hour OSHA cert. list Lead as the number 2 safety problem in the U.S.
Scaffolding and rigging accidents topped the list.
i see your point...
i know a mission to get rid of the bulk of the mess is definatly out of the question do to how hot it is still...and if we build another structure out of concrete, it'll still just crumble in ~60 years or so.
also could the structure over the structure sustain the other structure falling within it? how much damage would be done and how much rad released if so/
do any of you think it would even be romotely possible to start a unmanned robotic decon on #4?
well i hope all the various top minds in the world are all stuck in a room working on it
Appoint a committee to come up with a practical the time they all agree, the problem will have decayed away......
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