This forum is not really the place to go into detail, but all of us should pay close attention to what our "union" is allowing to happen.
Especially if it involves names or libel or slander.
7. Peoples name's: It's a bad idea to use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don't use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
No libel or defamatory messages.
Libel Published material meeting three conditions: the material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; the defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and the material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. posted on NukeWorker.
Defamatory An imputation is defamatory if it is calculated to engender: 'hatred, contempt or ridicule of', 'lowering the estimation of', or causing people to 'shun or avoid'.
![Rulez [rulez]](//
I apologize to those who think I may be jumping the gun, but having been on these forums for ten years this coversation has given me a little DeJa Vue. This is also a good time for a CEU (Continuing Education Unit) for general use of the forums.
![Group Hug [GH]](//