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Hello everyone,

This is my first post as I am new to this forum. I recently applied for a Nuclear Security Officer position at a local power plant. My background in the security field is extensive with experience in the Military Police, supervision of retail security operations, and I currently work at a private security firm. The only thing I would think I have against me is a misdemeanor possession of alcohol in a public area two years ago. My questions are:

-I meet all of the requirements for the position, but does my experience match that of other current NSO's?
-Would a misdemeanor alcohol charge keep me from being a potential candidate?

I was able to get hired into a local police force with the misdemeanor with no problems, and I have nothing else on my record besides that charge (minus a speeding ticket). I also held a SECRET security clearance in the military for six years. I have been waiting for this opportunity for years and I just would like some info if anyone has any.



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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #1 on: Oct 24, 2012, 09:31 »
Any drug/alcohol related charges in the past 5 years will be an issue in the nuclear field. Especially on the security side of things. It's possible you can gain access but you will have to jump through a few more hurdles to get hired compared to the average joe. There really isn't a shortage of people applying for security jobs either so you have to take that into consideration.

Best bet is to get a substance abuse evaluation from a certified counselor (the plant you hired on will more than likely make you do it anyways). The SAE will tell whether or not by their 'expertise' that you have a substance abuse problem or not. If the MRO/Psych for the plant thinks you can get in based on their findings then most plants will go with what they find.

Doesn't mean you will get in.. to be honest I'd wait a year or two if it was me but that is up to you. I'd just rather wait and work in another field and let the charge get closer towards the 5  year mark rather than be denied access which is going to look just as bad, if not worse, than the misdemeanor.


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #2 on: Oct 25, 2012, 04:51 »
Thanks Graphic,

I knew that it would be a little harder but if I have to jump through a hoop or two to get in I will give it my best. I have never had an alcohol problem and the charge was a little excessive to me (I had a beer while a buddy and I were fishing). But if I'm granted a interview and I have a chance to explain what the charge was I will tell the truth. I did the same thing for the police department and they laughed when I told them it was the most expensive beer I ever drank (125 dollar fine). I have had no other run ins with the law and I have fully learned my lesson from that experience.

Again thank you for the info and advice.


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #3 on: Oct 26, 2012, 07:31 »
Yes that does seem a little silly. They would probably work with you on it now that you gave me more info as to what happened. However, you never know. Procedures are procedures. Some sites would work with that though. GOod luck


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #4 on: Oct 26, 2012, 07:37 »
I will keep you updated on the application process (within the bounds of confidentiality of course), maybe someone else would find my trials and tribulations helpful in their future job quest.

Again thanks a lot!

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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #5 on: Nov 01, 2012, 09:32 »
The best advice is honesty....  I can remember in my hiring new class, there was a guy that omitted a DUI arrest on his application.  He passed our company background but was flagged by the FPL background for UA and escorted out of the class....  another guy had some pretty serious charges when he was a teenager but he put it all down on the application and was allowed to continue. 


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #6 on: Nov 02, 2012, 11:19 »
Thanks for the advice flyank!

I will admit to any offense on my record if I get the chance to. I know how serious it is to be truthful especially when it comes to security in the nuclear field. I'm more or less concerned that there will be a ton of applicants just like Graphic said above, and they will pass over me because of this charge. The job posting was up less than a week and it was to fill 8 positions, I wonder just how many people applied? But if all goes well and I get a call to interview I will be 100 percent truthful in my answers. The only thing they could nail me for is being to honest, and I don't think that is a bad trait.

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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #7 on: Nov 02, 2012, 12:10 »
I will keep you updated on the application process (within the bounds of confidentiality of course), maybe someone else would find my trials and tribulations helpful in their future job quest.

Again thanks a lot!

Thank You in advance for passing on your lessons learned.  It's greatly appreciated!
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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #8 on: Nov 02, 2012, 01:24 »
Your welcome sir!

I figure I'm receiving help and insight from the great people on this forum. The least I can do is contribute myself!


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #9 on: Nov 21, 2012, 11:53 »
Just a little update, it's been over a month since I submitted my application. I still have not heard anything back as to whether I was considered or not. I'm starting to get a bad feeling because it's taking so long, but I'm keeping my hopes up!

I'm going to try to find a contact number for the plant's HR department. My application is still showing "In Process" on their website, so maybe this is normal for them to take this long. Either way after the holiday weekend I'm gonna try to give them a call, I figure it couldn't hurt to show them I'm still interested.

I'll give updates as I receive them.


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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #10 on: Dec 03, 2012, 07:34 »
Here's an update to my last post. I recently got called for an interview! I guess I met the qualifications for this job, and I couldn't be happier. I feel that I interview professionally so I'm not worried about formalities, but I do still have a blemish on my record. I'm going to be truthful and up front when they ask me about my past, and take ownership of my criminal record. Because when it comes to it it was my fault and there is no one else to blame.

On the other hand I was asked a few questions by the HR manager, simple questions such as; do you have a birth certificate? or have you been convicted of domestic violence? When it came to my experience I told them I was a former Military Police officer and had my DD214, but then I was asked if I had my Police Academy certificate. I responded "no" as I have never taken a civilian form of police training, I was abruptly responded back with an "Oh". Now I maybe thinking to hard into it but I know that employers here locally love to hire people with police "training". Well it's been a almost five years since I've been out but I have police "experience", and I think that is worth more than a training certificate.   

When I left the military I found myself working a Loss Prevention job for four years where I eventually became a supervisor. So when it comes to the security field I find myself a professional. But the only thing I can do right now is portray myself as the best candidate for the job and hope they see it that way to.

Thanks to everyone for giving me such great info and tips for trying to get into the nuke industry. I respect all of you and hope to join your ranks here in the near future! I will give updates as soon as I'm done with the interview.



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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #11 on: Dec 05, 2012, 02:15 »
I had my interview today, overall I think it went well but it was not my best performance. I'm my biggest critic when it comes down to it. But at the end of the interview I was asked to fill out a consent form for a background investigation. The interviewer led me out of the conference room and before I left he asked his secretary to have me fill out "one of those sheets". She responded almost excitedly back with an "Oh Ok". I'm hoping that meant that not all interviewees got to the background investigation phase.

Does anybody have any input as to whether or not I might have been selected for further consideration? Or do recruiters do background checks on all persons who receive an interview? I figure that it would cost a lot of money if they were to check every person they saw. Anyway my mind is at ease that I made it through the interview.

I will give updates as soon as I have more info.

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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #12 on: Dec 05, 2012, 02:22 »
.....I'm my biggest critic when it comes down to it.....

give it time,.... 8)


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #13 on: Dec 05, 2012, 02:27 »
I had my interview today, overall I think it went well but it was not my best performance. I'm my biggest critic when it comes down to it. But at the end of the interview I was asked to fill out a consent form for a background investigation. The interviewer led me out of the conference room and before I left he asked his secretary to have me fill out "one of those sheets". She responded almost excitedly back with an "Oh Ok". I'm hoping that meant that not all interviewees got to the background investigation phase.

Does anybody have any input as to whether or not I might have been selected for further consideration? Or do recruiters do background checks on all persons who receive an interview? I figure that it would cost a lot of money if they were to check every person they saw. Anyway my mind is at ease that I made it through the interview.

I will give updates as soon as I have more info.

If you had not passed the interview all you would have heard was "thank you" as the door closed. The fact that they are doing a background check is a good sign.
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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #14 on: Dec 19, 2012, 09:09 »
Well it has been two weeks since my interview and I haven't heard anything back as of yet. They did have me fill out a consent form for a background check and I know those can take a while. When I looked on their website under the "Hiring Proces" tab it explained that once a conditional offer of employment is given they will then do a background check and drug screen. I guess I'm just a little confused by signing a consent form without getting a condition offer.

Has anyone had a similar experience during their hiring process? Any info would be greatly appreciated!



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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #15 on: Dec 22, 2012, 10:36 »
Well I got some great news, I was contacted and given a conditional offer of employment! The next step is I have to take the preemployment testing/screening and pass a thorough back ground check. But besides all that I'm in! I did speak to a person who works in security over there and he said it could be up to 3 months before I finally start working but at least I know now all the worrying is over.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the support and info. I can't wait to be a member of the nuclear industry!

Thanks again,

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Re: Nuclear Security Officer applicant with questions
« Reply #16 on: Dec 26, 2012, 08:30 »
Congratulations, don't fib on the background.


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