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Author Topic: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy  (Read 9031 times)

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Offline Torgmada

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Hey folks,
I'm trying to figure out a good way to clean the flooring (vinyl tiles) right in front of the main control board. I mopped up some coffee stains the other day, and scrubbed up some tape residue as well.

This left one bright, clean spot in a sea of dirty tiles, and now the clean spot stands out.

I don't see running a full size floor scrubber next to the main control board to get everything up to snuff, and I don't see anyone doing it by hand on overtime either.

So here's my question:
How do you guys keep the floor by the main control board clean?
Is there some Electro Magnetic Discharge- safe floor scrubber out there I should be aware of? Do you use swiffer wetjets or some house hold product along those lines? Do you scrub it by hand from time to time? Does a cleaning crew come in during outages?

Or do you just mop up the occasional coffee stain and let it be dirty? I'm sure I can obtain

Torg (RO)


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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #1 on: Apr 15, 2013, 09:48 »
Hey folks,
I'm trying to figure out a good way to clean the flooring (vinyl tiles) right in front of the main control board. I mopped up some coffee stains the other day, and scrubbed up some tape residue as well.

This left one bright, clean spot in a sea of dirty tiles, and now the clean spot stands out.

I don't see running a full size floor scrubber next to the main control board to get everything up to snuff, and I don't see anyone doing it by hand on overtime either.

So here's my question:
How do you guys keep the floor by the main control board clean?
Is there some Electro Magnetic Discharge- safe floor scrubber out there I should be aware of? Do you use swiffer wetjets or some house hold product along those lines? Do you scrub it by hand from time to time? Does a cleaning crew come in during outages?

Or do you just mop up the occasional coffee stain and let it be dirty? I'm sure I can obtain

Torg (RO)


We use carpet.  No tile.  And I bet you can guess when we replace the carpet.  Hint: Once every two years or so.  ;)


Offline Torgmada

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #2 on: Apr 15, 2013, 10:56 »
Oh don't even get me started on the carpet that starts three feet from the control board. Like yours, it needs to be replaced every couple years; in reality it took a year just to get it cleaned- which didn't help much.

On the bright side, I can say that's a strategy adopted 'in the industry'


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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #3 on: Apr 15, 2013, 12:46 »
Maybe if you bought carpeting that matches the color of the dirty carpeting, you wouldn't notice it as much and it wouldn't have to be replaced as often.  /s

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #4 on: Apr 15, 2013, 05:03 »
Oh don't even get me started on the carpet that starts three feet from the control board. Like yours, it needs to be replaced every couple years; in reality it took a year just to get it cleaned- which didn't help much.

On the bright side, I can say that's a strategy adopted 'in the industry'

Could always just use unqualified sailors aux operators to get on all fours and wash and wax it with sponges...another time-honored nuclear strategy  ;)

Offline IRLFAN

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #5 on: Apr 15, 2013, 05:10 »
If you think that the floor in front of the panel is filthy, then I strongly suggest you not look inside. ;)
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Offline Torgmada

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #6 on: Apr 15, 2013, 05:29 »
If you think that the floor in front of the panel is filthy, then I strongly suggest you not look inside. ;)
That's actually surprisingly clean. The filters on the air intakes to the MCB are well maintained.

Offline Higgs

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #7 on: Apr 15, 2013, 05:47 »
We replace our carpet tiles everytime INPO rolls through.  :-\

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Re: Main Control Board Cleanliness- the floor's filthy
« Reply #8 on: Apr 30, 2013, 03:22 »
We have a dark purple "at the controls" carpet strip in front of all the boards that defines what essentially is a two foot zone for non-operators to stay out of.....The dark color hides the stains very well.


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