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NRC Final RO SRO Exam Simulator for PWR
« on: May 03, 2021, 11:12 »

We all know the GFE site created and maintained by Allen. It helps a lot of Nukes to go through the GFE process. Sometimes we wish, we had something similar to that for the NRC Final RO and SRO exam. Based on that thought, created an exam simulator for a Region IV PWR site. If you are studying for a PWR 4-looper, this will aid you. You can also visit the following website specifically created for PWR 4-Looper:

It has all the previous and publicly available questions. The Exam simulator has built-in AI to aid you to track your trends for weaknesses and goals. It has several options to wherever you want to focus your efforts. There are numerous features added and continually improved to aid in generating your own exams (keeps history of reports with justifications) based on NRC references; allows you to create your own blend of RO+SRO or lesson plan or exam year or Difficulty level or K/A catalog or questions which are frequently repeated (keeps count) by NRC or highly missed by other users. You can send feedback for improvements.

If you know such other website for other nuclear facilities, please post here so that we can aid Forum users having a one stop shop to find all the information together.


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