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Offline avancouw

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Exploring my way back into electrical
« on: Nov 23, 2012, 11:37 »

  I separated in 2009 as an E-6 after my first term, highest qualification electrical operator. I became one of our underway electrical operators as an E-5 and stayed in that seat for some time before separating. I was damn good on the plant, and with phones, and about keeping the adrenaline down when the shit really hit the fan. I'm great at repairs, and have a talent for planning maintenance. Something I learned during my time in is that people tend to listen to the guy who can dependably come up with a working plan. Leadership is earned among your peers as much as it is granted by your superiors.

  Anyway, I got out figuring I'd use my GI bill right away to get someplace else. After about a 6 month break I started at Santa Rosa Junior College - that was necessary because I didn't have stellar grades before the Navy. All the new coursework I took in those two years averaged to about a 3.7, but my cumulative was just barely below a 3.0 (again thanks to previous work).
 Then I got ill. Complicated stuff, re-occurring gastroenteritis, I had doctors telling me I probably had something pretty bad. I quit school very late in my last term. An old buddy of mine in the navy - Martin Gust, another EO on the ship - had died from GI cancer, and I was panicking. Fast forward to now, VA medical takes unacceptably long to deal with these kinds of things. I don't have cancer, but whatever it was went into remission before they could make a real diagnosis. I'm better, I'm keeping weight on again, I've had nothing but minor aches and pains for a time. Pretty sure it's not coming back any time soon.

 Now I'm sitting on a botched semester and 18 months of GI bill funding, without enough money to cover the difference to complete my degree. It's not realistic to dive back in, so I'm on the hunt for options. In the meantime while I nail down some kind of short term income, I want to find out if it's feasible to get back into the industry later on. I'm good at electrical work. I enjoy it.

 So now, if you've read that book I wrote, I have some simple questions.

 My situation and qualifications seem unimpressive. Failed out of college once. Separated at 6 years with no EWS. Dropped out of college the second time. I'm pretty sure I have a stellar recommendation from my old engineer and EDMC, but how far can those go to cover this large gap since separating?

 What kinds of positions can an EO even be considered for? I see from time to time on this board positions for "Journeyman electrician with nuclear experience". Trouble is, even though I have as much experience as a journeyman I'm NOT a journeyman. That's quite discouraging, and the process for earning that cert is even more discouraging. If I had completed my USMAP california would give me a 2,000 hour equivalence, of 8,000 hours required. Feels like a joke.

 I might even be willing to rad sponge for a time, if it'd get me one step closer to having a profession again. What do I need to know about that?

 The wording in postings here makes me feel as if I'm poorly qualified for anything. There must be something I'm missing, and I admit I don't understand everything I come across on this site. Please advise. None of this is immediate, or urgent. I have other options for the now.
« Last Edit: Nov 23, 2012, 11:56 by avancouw »

Offline jams723

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Re: Exploring my way back into electrical
« Reply #1 on: Nov 24, 2012, 09:09 »
You have the foundation to be considered for a non-licensed operator or entry evel maintenance (electrician) not journeyman level.  You will have allot of competition but should be considered a candidate.  You just need to understand you are starting out at the bottom with allot to learn. 

If you are seriouse, do not limit your search to one area. 

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Exploring my way back into electrical
« Reply #2 on: Nov 24, 2012, 10:36 »
Check your PMs.

Offline avancouw

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Re: Exploring my way back into electrical
« Reply #3 on: Nov 27, 2012, 12:04 »
Guys, thanks for your input. Dave is absolutely right, working a plant is not a good choice in my current position. I'm chasing around leads on local utilities. Many of them seem to be hiring right now, and it probably fits much better.

Something lower stress would do me well, at least until I can be sure everything's wrapped up.
« Last Edit: Nov 27, 2012, 12:09 by avancouw »


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