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Offline kernkraft

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Packard LSC tips and tricks.
« on: Nov 30, 2012, 01:35 »
I use an old packard LSC at work, the one in my lab is a 2200CA.

Is there a way to program these things to automatically run the background standards at a set time like 5am

I want to do this because I run the bkg standards when I first arrive to work, so that means for the first 2 hours I can't run any samples and morning time is when I have to do most of my equipment surveys, not to mention the scientists show up about an hour later than me so its a good time to do my monthly swipe surveys.

Any other LSC tips and tricks you can share would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Packard LSC tips and tricks.
« Reply #1 on: Nov 30, 2012, 05:35 »
Not that I know of, I'm not familiar with your model. We sometimes load blank sample bottles on the end of our real ones to make a time delay. Primitive but it works.


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