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Offline Camella Black

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Strange News Stories
« on: Nov 04, 2004, 09:40 »
A man hit by a car in New York in 1977 got up uninjured,
but lay back down in front of the car when a bystander told
him to pretend he was hurt so he could collect insurance
money. The car rolled forward and crushed him to death.
In 1983, a Mrs. Carson of Lake Kushaqua, N.Y., was laid out in
her coffin, presumed dead of heart disease. As mourners watched,
she suddenly sat up. Her daughter dropped dead of fright.
A fierce gust of wind blew 45-year-old Vittorio Luise's
car into a river near Naples, Italy, in 1983. He managed
to break a window, climb out and swim to shore --
where a tree blew over and killed him.
Mike Stewart, 31, of Dallas was filming a movie in 1983
on the dangers of low-level bridges when the truck he was
standing on passed under a low-level bridge -- killing him.
Walter Hallas, a 26-year-old store clerk in Leeds, England,
was so afraid of dentists that in 1979 he asked a fellow worker
to try to cure his toothache by punching him in the jaw. The
punch caused Hallas to fall down, hitting his head, and he
died of a fractured skull.
Depressed since he could not find a job, 42-year-old Romolo
Ribolla sat in his kitchen near Pisa, Italy, with a gun in
his hand threatening to kill himself in 1981. His wife
pleaded for him not to do it, and after about an hour he
burst into tears and threw the gun to the floor. It went
off and killed his wife.
Surprised while burgling a house in Antwerp, Belgium, a
thief fled out the back door, clambered over a nine-foot
wall, dropped down and found himself in the city prison.
Two West German motorists had an all-too-literal head-on
collision in heavy fog near the small town of Guetersloh.
Each was guiding his car at a snail's pace near the center of
the road. At the moment of impact their heads were both out of
the windows when they smacked together. Both men were hospitalized
with severe head injuries. Their cars weren't scratched.
Hitting on the novel idea that he could end his wife's
incessant nagging by giving her a good scare, Hungarian
Jake Fen built an elaborate harness to make it look as
if he had hanged himself. When his wife came home and
saw him she fainted. Hearing a disturbance a neighbor
came over and, finding what she thought were two corpses,
seized the opportunity to loot the place. As she was
leaving the room, her arms laden, the outraged and
suspended Mr. Fen kicked her stoutly in the backside.
This so surprised the lady that she dropped dead of a
heart attack. Happily, Mr. Fen was acquitted of
manslaughter and he and his wife were reconciled.


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