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Offline hamsamich

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #50 on: Jan 03, 2013, 08:14 »
I mean RP the job is very specialized.  Not each individual doing it.  There isn't much that borders on the job RP.  So if a guy does RP for 10 years, he isn't getting much experience doing anything related to anything else.  I don't think you get what I am trying to say.  Sure alot of guys doing rp can do other stuff, that is a whole other side to it.  But the job itself, not the person.


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #51 on: Jan 03, 2013, 08:53 »
I mean RP the job is very specialized.  Not each individual doing it.  There isn't much that borders on the job RP.  So if a guy does RP for 10 years, he isn't getting much experience doing anything related to anything else.  I don't think you get what I am trying to say.  Sure alot of guys doing rp can do other stuff, that is a whole other side to it.  But the job itself, not the person.

The job itself is not uniform, that is, the task of an RP varies which usually inludes duties such as job support, taking and documenting surveys, setting up and taking down contamination areas and decontamination of personnel and equipment.  Within this job you could be outside doing shipping, or in containment roving.  When there are things like spills or unplanned discovery of high radiation areas, the experience of the tech comes in.  I say the tech is not a job of just swinging meters, but a varied job.  You make the job and experiences from it sound like a sentence, not a job of choice due to the pay.  If the pay was cut in half, how many techs would show up for work?  If we are so condemned by our training and unable to perform other tasks, we would be stuck no matter what the pay was.  We are not.  I hope a tech who spends 10 years on the job checked out and perfomed other options in their life beyond being a tech.

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #52 on: Jan 03, 2013, 09:09 »
Think relative to other jobs, not condemned.  I'm not saying you are trapped in a cage as an RP tech.  Just more specialized than any other job I can think of that doesn't require a degree.  I guess this is one of those times I can't tell you what I mean without speaking it.  Compared to other jobs, relative, comparitive.  Don't take offense, just an observation in comparison to many other jobs.


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #53 on: Jan 03, 2013, 09:11 »
Jobs?  All you show is a predilection for being a professional student.  When you classed up at MINSY, what was your class number?

As I recall, it was 7506.  I would rather be seeking further education rather than staying ignorant of other career opportunities.  You never know what may change in the market and it pays to keep current.  For example, all my education in biology and computer science from college is archaic and useless as compared to what is taught in high school today.  Many people are in school training for jobs that do not exist yet.  To not be trapped as a tech you must keep up to date with the current job market.  If a series of underpaid and poorly trained techs performed enough errors, all the plants could be shut down and other skills will come in handy to survive in another field.  Look at San Onofre.  There are no outage jobs there now due to the poor worksmanship in the S/G tubes when it was outsourced.


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #54 on: Jan 03, 2013, 09:21 »
Think relative to other jobs, not condemned.  I'm not saying you are trapped in a cage as an RP tech.  Just more specialized than any other job I can think of that doesn't require a degree.  I guess this is one of those times I can't tell you what I mean without speaking it.  Compared to other jobs, relative, comparitive.  Don't take offense, just an observation in comparison to many other jobs.

No offense taken, I have a high opinion of techs I have worked with and varied was their skill and experience.  We were united in one aspect.  We are not there for our love of nuclear power plants, traveling, or the excitement of the job.  We were there to do a good job and be paid well doing it.  In other careers, say a teacher, you better like the little kids or don't be there.  You can be something else entirely on your off time and use your training and intellect just for outage work.  We are kind of like the builder of the Pyramids.  They were farmers until the floods came, then they worked on the Pyramids until it receded.  There may come a day with outages so short you will have an off season job too.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #55 on: Jan 03, 2013, 09:34 »
 There are no outage jobs there now due to the poor worksmanship in the S/G tubes when it was outsourced.

Unless you've got some eddy current data or lots of S/G internals images to back that up, you should be thankful MHI isn't litigious. BTW, where else could those S/Gs have been procured at the needed time?
« Last Edit: Jan 03, 2013, 09:37 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #56 on: Jan 03, 2013, 09:55 »
Unless you've got some eddy current data or lots of S/G internals images to back that up, you should be thankful MHI isn't litigious. BTW, where else could those S/Gs have been procured at the needed time?

How about in America by Americans, like with Babcock and Wilcox, Westinghouse or General Electric.  It was outsouced because it was probably cheaper, but being shutdown for a year is expensive too.  America can produce these items again and we, as a nation, need the jobs.  If it takes re-engineerin to get us to do it again, so be it.


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #57 on: Jan 03, 2013, 10:04 »
Unless you've got some eddy current data or lots of S/G internals images to back that up, you should be thankful MHI isn't litigious.

I don't need to worry about a lawsuit from MHI, as truth is a complete defense in Libel.  All I do know San Onofre was they bought a steam generator that leaked and they made it.  If a product does not do what it was designed to do (While not releasing contamination into the environment) and they operated it as designed, the manufacturer is liable, and I hope San Onofre sues them for the lost power production to boot.

Offline GLW

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #58 on: Jan 04, 2013, 09:11 »
How about in America by Americans, like with Babcock and Wilcox, Westinghouse or General Electric.  It was outsouced because it was probably cheaper, but being shutdown for a year is expensive too.  America can produce these items again and we, as a nation, need the jobs.  If it takes re-engineerin to get us to do it again, so be it.

Actually I think it's lack of infrastructure, quality, and interest,...

You know, the jobs Americans won't do anymore?!?!?!?

Kids in the American school system today are not inspired to be excellent heavy industries workers, nor are skilled heavy industries workers portrayed in those schools as people to be respected for their skills, workmanship, work ethic or product,...

They are not green jobs, not lawyers like the POTUS usually is, not doctors, not thespians, not artists, not professors, not bourgeoisie,...

Those are jobs good enough for immigrants, but not those born to the manor that is America,...

Same goes for RP jobs, luckily it's not easy for immigrants to get the experience or the security clearance or you would get outsourced too, and very few outside your circle of co-commiserants would care very much that your antiquated, non-green way of life has gone the way of the buggy whip,...

Not nice, but it's the truth,...

The "problem" as some like to see it, is not any staff augmentation company,...

Quite the contrary, I can just imagine some of the guys and gals I've worked with left to their own devices to seek out a contract, negotiate a proposal, and sign the deal,...

Much easier to wait by the phone and say "Yup, I'll be there!".,...

Or when the bank balance gets below threshold "X", pick up the phone, dial "800-XXX-XXXX" and ask "Got something for me?",...

I'm going to tell you something you should already know about the RP business, if you limit yourself to showing up, passing the exams and the prac facs, doing a good job on the refuel floor, and not busting out of your commitment early for greener pastures then what you are is reliable staff augmentation material,...

And that's okay, it's good to be known for being reliable,...

And, if you had a union, that might be most of all you need for job security, add seniority to that mix and you gain maximum paid hours through the year at the choicest places through the year to reliably earn that coin,...

But that's not how it is,...

If you perceive your pay rate is stagnant, it's probably because your skillset is stagnant,...

But, if you are at a good comfort zone, stagnant is okay as long as there is a market for it, just like buggy whips,...

You said it yourself:

.....For example, all my education in biology and computer science from college is archaic and useless as compared to what is taught in high school today.....

The difficulty with your posts Content is that you kind of argue with yourself on several sides of an issue, like this one,...

I know that is an erudite affectation which always seems to impress 67% of the female population in any university dormitory but it's annoying in here, probably because of all the type A personalities who just want to stop talking and do something already,...

Enjoy the Day!!!! (creds to my friend MS for that salutation),... 8)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #59 on: Jan 04, 2013, 01:16 »
Actually I think it's lack of infrastructure, quality, and interest,...

If you perceive your pay rate is stagnant, it's probably because your skillset is stagnant,...

But, if you are at a good comfort zone, stagnant is okay as long as there is a market for it, just like buggy whips,...

You said it yourself:

The difficulty with your posts Content is that you kind of argue with yourself on several sides of an issue, like this one,...

I know that is an erudite affectation which always seems to impress 67% of the female population in any university dormitory but it's annoying in here, probably because of all the type A personalities who just want to stop talking and do something already,...

Enjoy the Day!!!! (creds to my friend MS for that salutation),... 8)

I guess I have a strong power of thought, for you, and the other techs are in the same "stagnant skills" as I am, so I guess we all need to stop talking and do something as you say.  Some things do end by natural causes as with me.  I have never been to a dorm, but I guess I missed somethink back in my college days . . . and probably before you were born.

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #60 on: Jan 04, 2013, 01:31 »
Get less emotional about being an RP tech.  It is a job with many pros and cons.  If you drop the emotion and just consider the facts (pros and cons), you can see more clearly and possibly form more accurate opinions.  RP is a way for me to pay my bills and also choose two different lifestyles (traveler or house).  I like doing it but most of us don't do this job because we love it, we need the money.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #61 on: Jan 04, 2013, 01:42 »
not noing about pay rates dropping, but take home pay just took a 2% hit.  sew, yinz better buckle up caws it's going to bee a ruff ride four a wile.
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Offline GLW

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #62 on: Jan 04, 2013, 02:43 »
I guess I have a strong power of thought, for you, and the other techs are in the same "stagnant skills" as I am, so I guess we all need to stop talking and do something as you say.  Some things do end by natural causes as with me.  I have never been to a dorm, but I guess I missed somethink back in my college days . . . and probably before you were born.

Oh my,....well,...all I can say to that is that I have yet to pin my aspirations on either the government or fusion,...

That's two stagnant disappointments I will never have,...heheheheheheh,... :P ;) :) 8)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #63 on: Jan 04, 2013, 05:28 »
not noing about pay rates dropping, but take home pay just took a 2% hit.  sew, yinz better buckle up caws it's going to bee a ruff ride four a wile.

And that is not chump change.  2% times 60000 gross income = $1200 or $100/month of take home pay.  Add to that increased costs from Obamacare we will all be paying, and increase sales and state taxes, people may favor sites paying higher non-taxable and travel pay verses places with travel caps.  Simply being a good site to work at may become secondary to the dollar.  (Excelon, you are starting to look more attractive.)  So it is pointless to gripe at Bartlett or Atlantic, as it can be seen from the posts they are not getting rich at our expense, they are doing the best they can.  It will be up to use whatever tricks we can get more cash in our pockets until the situation improves, if ever.

Offline loki

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #64 on: Jan 07, 2013, 08:55 »
If bni isn't making a decent return they wouldn't be in business. If Bartlett dose anything well it's poor mouthing. Every coordinator I have spoken with urges techs to hold out to force an increase in compensation


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #65 on: Jan 07, 2013, 10:53 »
If bni isn't making a decent return they wouldn't be in business. If Bartlett dose anything well it's poor mouthing. Every coordinator I have spoken with urges techs to hold out to force an increase in compensation

I have another method.  We should gather information about each site, like its pay, per diem, travel, bonus and assigned each site a relative Dollar value.  For example, I got a bonus at Peachbottom of $2500, while I just got a bonus at Ginna of a little over $500.  Although it is true I worked longer at Peachbottom, the difference is significant to make it less attractive as compared with Peachbottom.  Sites like San Onofre have no bonus.  Has anybody gathered onto a spreadsheeet this information?  What we could do with it is use it to decide and rank outages.  The higher paying outages would get the first and best people, and the lower paying ones would feel the heat in trying to fill them.  This alone could put a push on them to raise their rates if they want to get staffed with decent people.  On the flip side of the coin the lower paying sites may be forced to let new people in.   So many sites only want returnees, even if they are less attractive to the returnee.  They try to make us go back to the same site for a "bird in the hand" even if it pays less.    Finally you would have to factor in "Dog site" factors, such as cost of housing and crime rate around the plant as negative factors.  This would allow the market to factor in and allow the techs to have some say in their destiny.  Has anybody out there made a spread sheet about all the sites?


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #66 on: Jan 08, 2013, 01:36 »
Step 1:  Make the call, and ask the rates.
Step 2: Write them down.
Step 3: Post it.

1.  Don't like to reinvent the wheel if someone has done it
2.  If nobody has done it, I must ask why?
3.  It would be wiser as a collaborative effort.  If everyone simply posted their site this Spring, then all can chime in.  Should we make a separate post such as "Where I am going, what the site is paying" such as done at the request of a moderator for input like yourself.  Otherwise, if I made such an effort, what would motivate me to share such info, and if I did it alone many may think my info is innacurate verses everybody who have a offer states what they were told, the data would be more trusted, the whole purpose of a Bulletin board.  Care to make a new posting.  I would start:  Brunswick, Sr. HP $26/hr, $1000 in and out travel, bonus $1/1.5.


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #67 on: Jan 08, 2013, 09:28 »
1.  Don't like to reinvent the wheel if someone has done it
2.  If nobody has done it, I must ask why?
3.  It would be wiser as a collaborative effort.  If everyone simply posted their site this Spring, then all can chime in.  Should we make a separate post such as "Where I am going, what the site is paying" such as done at the request of a moderator for input like yourself.  Otherwise, if I made such an effort, what would motivate me to share such info, and if I did it alone many may think my info is innacurate verses everybody who have a offer states what they were told, the data would be more trusted, the whole purpose of a Bulletin board.  Care to make a new posting.  I would start:  Brunswick, Sr. HP $26/hr, $1000 in and out travel, bonus $1/1.5.

No per diem?  Also, what kind of schedule do they work (not as important but I've heard of schedules like 6 nines)?

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #68 on: Jan 08, 2013, 10:28 »

You short changed Brunswick (Progress Energy) as they increased their pay in 2011 for Senior Techs to $26.25 and $95.00 for perdiem. There is no returnee incentive other than the area and a short commute. Not a bad place but it is at the bottom pay wise.

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #69 on: Jan 09, 2013, 06:32 »
Otherwise, if I made such an effort, what would motivate me to share such info,

Well... it is all about you... ;)
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #70 on: Jan 09, 2013, 10:14 »
If bni isn't making a decent return they wouldn't be in business. If Bartlett dose anything well it's poor mouthing. Every coordinator I have spoken with urges techs to hold out to force an increase in compensation

holding out puts coordinators and there pet tex in a shining light.  when compensation goes up, so does there's and any bonus the coordinator gets will rise two, as generally it is a percentage of profit on the job.   holding out will help the coordinators bank account.  knot that that's a bad thing...
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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #71 on: Jan 09, 2013, 02:50 »
Napoleonic Eric will persist in giving the horses that pull the boxer treatment. An ever increasing contingent of foreign imports serve as his dogs

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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #72 on: Jan 09, 2013, 03:57 »
Sounds to me like sour grapes.

I have met many of those foreign techs and I am willing to bet you couldn't carry their clipboard.
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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #73 on: Jan 09, 2013, 10:39 »
Are there enough foreign techs to make a dent in the wages?  Are they paid different then regular citizens?  If they are paid substantially less, that could affect the wages.  If not, there is no encentive to hire more.  The problem with outsourcing has been the workers are paid substantially less for the same job, bringing down Americans wages or sending jobs overseas.  Any evidence that is happening here?


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Re: Are pay rates slowly dropping?
« Reply #74 on: Jan 09, 2013, 10:43 »
And that's why it isn't done.

I guess I will make a secret spread sheet with info about all the sites for comparison, done slowly enough so nobody suspects, and only share the data with those willing to do some of the work.


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