If you look at the PHQ form on legal matters it says, "Have you: 1. Been held, detained, taken into custody, charged, arrested, indicted, fined, forfeited bond, cited or convicted for a violation of any law, regulation or ordinance (E. G., Felony, misdemeanor, traffic**or military criminal history, etc.) or do you now have such a case pending? Based on what you said in the above post all that was done was a police report was filed. You stated no follow-up was necessary. It sounds like the police took down information just in case problems occur in the future. Your choice in answering the PHQ is either a yes or no answer. If you can honestly answer no then there's nothing to add. Now, if there are more details which others have witnessed that may tend to make the answer yes you should amend your submitted forms. The key here is to answer the questions truthfully. It sounds like the forms you submitted were correct. Good luck.