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Offline Stonent

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Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« on: Dec 08, 2012, 02:35 »
Sorry, I no longer have these but I'm trying to see if I can figure out what model they were.
When I was about 10 or 11, my dad brought me home 2 Victoreen units, he was in the oil/gas wireline industry that did well logging. The units were very similar but I think different models. I remember one more than the other so I'll try to describe it. They didn't work as far as I could tell. I never could get a sound out of them.

The design was similar to the CDV-700. The probe snaps into the handle, but the unit was light blue. The probe connected with a BNC connector to the unit with a coiled wire that was crumbling away.  The probe didn't look like the one on the CDV-700. It seemed to be longer and the tip was perfectly round. It had a shield but it slid back. There was a thumb screw on the base of the probe that you loosened to slide the shield down.  To remove the tube from the probe you unscrewed the base. Inside was a GM tube with 3 pins on the bottom that plugged in. Both units as I can recall had the same probe design but the tubes were different. I tried swapping the tubes but it didn't help. The tubes were about as big around as a finger, metal with ridges going around the tube.  The cap on the end appeared to be thin black plastic.

The unit itself had a knob like the CDV-700 that did X1 X10 and X100, and I think one to test the meter or battery. There was an adjustment screw on the top marked CAL.

There was a calibration sticker on it that indicated it was last calibrated in the mid 1980s. I got the unit in the late 80s or very early 90s.

I do not recall there being a test source on the side.  It took 2 or 4 D batteries and had a retention clip like the CDV-700.

When taken apart it separated similarly to a CDV-700, there was a single latch to open it. I think but won't swear to it that there was a neon light bulb on the circuit board.

The dial was round as I can remember.

They got thrown out when we moved because I never got them to work.  I really regret that now because I want to purchase a cheap counter for personal use and maybe these just needed a new GM tube.

I've googled victoreen units and either find CDV-700s or units that looked significantly older, nothing like what I had.

Also these units did not have a speaker in them that I could tell. You had to use a 1/4" headphone plug.

Update: I remember something about the other unit. I think it had a black handle with a grip, and the probe was held on the side. Both as I recall were Victoreen. I think I pulled the meter out of one. I have a square dial meter somewhere in my storage area made by Simpson that just says Counts on it.

Any ideas?
« Last Edit: Dec 08, 2012, 03:04 by Stonent »

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #1 on: Dec 08, 2012, 03:40 »
Any ideas?

I've seen them on eBay before ( I collect old meters occasionally). Don't recall what the model/name was though. Did it look like this?

For the money, there are still good deals on V-700s on eBay, and some combo deals. When you say 'personal use', do you mean demonstrating clicks on Fiestaware, or when to exit the fallout shelter?
« Last Edit: Dec 08, 2012, 04:03 by HydroDave63 »

Offline GLW

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #2 on: Dec 08, 2012, 04:04 »
.....Any ideas?

Yes, be cautious about old school meters, parts and pieces which supported old school well loggers,...

Back in the day before "nonproliferation" the Am-Be, Cf, H3, Cs, et al in the loggers were occasionally not controlled quite as well as our current version of common sense dictates they should be,...

If you do not already know you might want to get any meter pieces and parts checked by someone competent to check for residual indications of these nuclides from the rough and tumble world of drillers,...

And don't blame your Dad if that old Simpson not only displays counts but actually has counts, perspectives have changed profoundly over the decades,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Stonent

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #3 on: Dec 08, 2012, 05:24 »
I've seen them on eBay before ( I collect old meters occasionally). Don't recall what the model/name was though. Did it look like this?

For the money, there are still good deals on V-700s on eBay, and some combo deals. When you say 'personal use', do you mean demonstrating clicks on Fiestaware, or when to exit the fallout shelter?

Click-click-click, hey that's cool! So yeah fiestaware, smoke detectors, watch dials, interesting rocks. uSv or mSv levels.

I'd like A/B/G but it seems B/G is easier to find.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #4 on: Dec 08, 2012, 05:27 »
I'd like A/B/G but it seems B/G is easier to find.

You have a lot of pure alpha emitters you're looking for?

Offline Stonent

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #5 on: Dec 08, 2012, 06:11 »
I'd just like the possibility of "seeing" more.

Offline Stonent

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Re: Trying to identify an old Victoreen unit
« Reply #6 on: Dec 08, 2012, 06:15 »
I've seen them on eBay before ( I collect old meters occasionally). Don't recall what the model/name was though. Did it look like this?

That one seems a little newer in style. I don't think mine had a volume control. But I think we're headed in the right direction.


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