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Author Topic: To RO or not RO  (Read 26153 times)

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Offline orangery

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #25 on: Feb 23, 2013, 11:35 »
Or one could end up like I did. 2/3 through license class and then corporate decides to retire the plant and cancel RO class. Past year+ of time studying not with family wasted. Now looking for a new job. 6 yr ELT w 7 yr PWR B&W ops experience. Thinking of going back into the HP world again.

My sympathies. You've got to be very sad after so much emotional investment into something that will never be. You must have learned some things, though. Was it still not worth it for you? Do you not want to make this investment again somewhere new?

Offline jams723

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #26 on: Feb 24, 2013, 09:04 »
Or one could end up like I did. 2/3 through license class and then corporate decides to retire the plant and cancel RO class. Past year+ of time studying not with family wasted. Now looking for a new job. 6 yr ELT w 7 yr PWR B&W ops experience. Thinking of going back into the HP world again.

ANO is looking for NLO's and GGNs for instant SRO's..... Entergy advertises openings on here.

Offline tucker0104

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2013, 09:01 »
I am a current NLO and debate going to licesne class all the time. I make good money as a NLO and my girlfriend almost makes as much as I do. We both live frugile so to me I am torn. I would love to further my "career" but then on the other hand, I make 6 figures and have very little stress so why change things. It depends on each person. Some people have kids and need the extra money. I am 31 and will have my house paid off in 3 years so I am not hurting for money at all.

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2013, 12:28 »
I am a current NLO and debate going to licesne class all the time. I make good money as a NLO and my girlfriend almost makes as much as I do. We both live frugile so to me I am torn. I would love to further my "career" but then on the other hand, I make 6 figures and have very little stress so why change things. It depends on each person. Some people have kids and need the extra money. I am 31 and will have my house paid off in 3 years so I am not hurting for money at all.

but you are bored with your current job, searching for outage work, and gonna get your GF into RP work because that isn't too hard...

yeah, I don't think license class is for you either...
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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2013, 12:30 »
I am a current NLO and debate going to licesne class all the time. I make good money as a NLO and my girlfriend almost makes as much as I do. We both live frugile so to me I am torn. I would love to further my "career" but then on the other hand, I make 6 figures and have very little stress so why change things. It depends on each person. Some people have kids and need the extra money. I am 31 and will have my house paid off in 3 years so I am not hurting for money at all.

Sounds like it's time to sit down and really think about what is important to you.  Once you've determined that, your decision(s) will be self-evident.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2013, 07:55 »
but you are bored with your current job, searching for outage work, and gonna get your GF into RP work because that isn't too hard...

Wait til she finds out some of the RP guys are kinda cute and know better jokes. And mix nice drinks  <3

Offline tucker0104

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Re: To RO or not RO
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2013, 10:12 »
Wait til she finds out some of the RP guys are kinda cute and know better jokes. And mix nice drinks  <3

I might be in trouble then. Might need to re-think my plan.


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