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Author Topic: Collections from years ago  (Read 5705 times)

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Collections from years ago
« on: Jan 06, 2013, 09:39 »
Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the process of applying for UA and something has been weighing only mind during the PHQ. Before I answered anything in the Credit history section I paid for a credit history report off a well known website. I have good credit and no derogatory items listed, but in 2009 it showed a collections action. I remember paying off a bill that was delinquent from when I exited the military, but I do not believe it ever went into collections.

So being I listed this collections action in the PHQ and during the explanation I said I wasn't exactly sure what it was for (remember I do not believe that that bill ever went to collections). Instead of listing what I "thought" it was I said that I would inquire with the credit reporting company to gain further information.

My concern is this vague explanation could be grounds for denial. But like I said I didn't want to say was something when I wasn't 100% sure. I know Graphic is the subject matter expert but anybody else with any beneficial info would really help me sleep at night.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Collections from years ago
« Reply #1 on: Jan 08, 2013, 03:23 »
If they have questions, they will ask you before denying you.  It's not likely that one item, especially one that you LIST would be grounds for denial.

As you said, Graphic is the guy to get the best answer from.


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Re: Collections from years ago
« Reply #2 on: Jan 09, 2013, 09:14 »
Everytime I read this subject heading "collections from years ago," for some reason IRM comes to mind.  BTW, are you referring to unescorted access (UA)?


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Re: Collections from years ago
« Reply #3 on: Jan 10, 2013, 01:09 »
Yes I was referring to Unescorted Acess, but to answer my own question from above  the collection was of no concern. I was contacted by Acess Control the other day by phone to review some questions from my PHQ. During the conversation I inquired about the credit question I had. I was told that my credit check was perfect and that the collections action did not even show on their end. So as far as they are concerned it doesn't exist.

I'm still going to inquire with Experian to see what this action is but at least I don't have to worry about it affecting my badge anymore. I still have a few more hurdles to jump before I'm cleared but so far so good!

Thanks everybody! I'm looking forward to joining you guys in the nuclear industry!


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Re: Collections from years ago
« Reply #4 on: Jan 16, 2013, 10:19 »
Sorry so late, been busy.

Credit rarely will hold someone back from gaining access. It has happened but it is usually compounded with something else on the background, or there were lots owed in tax liens or something like that. YOu should be okay, just give an explanation like you did here.
« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2013, 11:27 by Graphic »


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