Well, if this is about who our FAVORITE and not the "best" site coordinator, I would have to say, without a doubt, James "The James" Radosevich!
As far as being the best at his job, I don't know about that, but people skills, we are proof that you can get a long way with bullshit and charm! (Did I say "we"?)

He was my first site coordinator and it spoiled me. Then my next job set in and that site coordinator was a real azz! I have been lucky, all mine, with the exception of my first "road job", they have all been really good. He was the greatest, that silver tongued gentleman! And, he wasn't bad for the ego, either!
Thanks, James, I'm still spoiled.... (Thank god this is not based on merit, some that are my favorites are just funny as hell, (the infamous "I'll get back with you on that" reply still makes me giggle to this day!)