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Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« on: Jan 17, 2013, 09:46 »
I just tested for an NLO and while I'm still waiting for the results I'm also continuing my job search. I'm looking for  a career that begins assuming a role similar to a NLO. What positions are there in other industries that are most similar to an NLO in responsibilities and pay? I realize there are no jobs with similar pay, but I'm looking for those jobs that are nearest in pay. I have a college degree and an internship at an ethanol plant which is my most applicable experience. What I like about the NLO position is the extensive up front training you receive, which is partially why I think they are able to consider this position entry level, because that training prepares you. It seems other industries prefer years of experience for roles similar to an NLO, and don't provide nearly the extent of training or pay. Lastly, if I do not succeed in landing the NLO job, will a few years of non-nuclear power plant employment greatly increase my chances of later getting the job?

Offline Starkist

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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 17, 2013, 04:34 »
chemical plant operators can make some damn good money, as can fossil plant. Both are "similar" positions to NLO. 

Offline timmythekidd

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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 21, 2013, 07:53 »
I'm in an initial non-licensed operator class.  One of my coworkers was working at a Sonoco chemical plant for ten years before taking a job as a NLO.  Every year at Sonoco, aside from the first, he made at least 100k.  Another of my co-workers worked at a refinery before taking a job in the nuke field, he was also clearing 100k.  They claim to have liked their previous employment, but left for job security in the nuke industry.  Their experience definitely helped them land a job in the Nuke field.  One of the other guys in my class worked at a fossil plant before transferring.  According to him, the plant was very dirty but the atmosphere was much more relaxed.  He made good money, but he hasn't mentioned any numbers.  I hope this helps.


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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 24, 2013, 11:39 »
I have a college degree and an internship at an ethanol plant which is my most applicable experience. What I like about the NLO position is the extensive up front training you receive, which is partially why I think they are able to consider this position entry level, because that training prepares you.

After reading the other replies to your query, I'd recommend calling that ethanol plant and seeing what the intitial pay grade would be.  With the internship under your belt it seems like it should be at or equal to a NLO rate.


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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 27, 2013, 10:16 »
I knew the starting pay scale there from the first day I started working there, its about a third of what an Exelon NLO makes after the initial training period.

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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 29, 2013, 04:26 »
I knew the starting pay scale there from the first day I started working there, its about a third of what an Exelon NLO makes after the initial training period.

10$ an hour?


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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 29, 2013, 10:46 »
$15, all the Exelon job ads I read say you make $29.xx/hr during training, and $45.xx/hr when you begin actually working.

Offline Buffa98

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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #7 on: Feb 13, 2013, 09:02 »
The plant operator at the biomass plant I work at make $24.50 to start. 
I am still trying to get in to the nuc field :'(.   But I have now gotten asked the question. " why would you leave a senior CRO position to be a NLO".  How is that even possible to be answered without coming off as either: only concerned about money, or I am tired of being at filthy dust bowl everyday? 

Offline Higgs

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Re: Jobs outside the nuclear similar to NLO?
« Reply #8 on: Feb 13, 2013, 09:29 »
The plant operator at the biomass plant I work at make $24.50 to start. 
I am still trying to get in to the nuc field :'(.   But I have now gotten asked the question. " why would you leave a senior CRO position to be a NLO".  How is that even possible to be answered without coming off as either: only concerned about money, or I am tired of being at filthy dust bowl everyday? 

"Because I'd like to one day be a senior reactor operator a commercial nuclear power plant."

Good luck.

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