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Offline ckelt683

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A bad Past
« on: Feb 25, 2013, 07:32 »
So I have not had a good track but now I have turned my life around but here is the laundry list...I have been hired for an AO job but here is what I have done do u think I can I get a security clearance please help.

Jan. 2009 Arrested for disorderly conduct
Mar. 2009 DUI
Jan. 2011 Rehab
Sep. 2012 General discharge from the navy for showing up to work impaired.
Dec. 2012  Not allowed unescorted Nuclear access for one company

I know I cant lie on the background check so I will tell them all of this I just would like to know how good are my chances for getting unescorted access even after all of this.
I don't drink anymore please any feedback would be great thanks


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Re: A bad Past
« Reply #1 on: Feb 25, 2013, 07:55 »
So I have not had a good track but now I have turned my life around but here is the laundry list...I have been hired for an AO job but here is what I have done do u think I can I get a security clearance please help.

Jan. 2009 Arrested for disorderly conduct
Mar. 2009 DUI
Jan. 2011 Rehab
Sep. 2012 General discharge from the navy for showing up to work impaired.
Dec. 2012  Not allowed unescorted Nuclear access for one company

I know I cant lie on the background check so I will tell them all of this I just would like to know how good are my chances for getting unescorted access even after all of this.
I don't drink anymore please any feedback would be great thanks

It depends.

On who your competition is and is not.  My bet is no.


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Re: A bad Past
« Reply #2 on: Feb 25, 2013, 08:34 »
Your last problem was Dec 2012, kind of a short time ago.  Those who normally plead "I have changed" have time on their changed ways and some examples of how they are different, like some charity work or volunteer to a good cause.  You might consider that before applying if you are not successful now.

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Re: A bad Past
« Reply #3 on: Feb 25, 2013, 09:24 »
"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent


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Re: A bad Past
« Reply #4 on: Feb 26, 2013, 02:41 »
Not to be negative but there is no chance you will gain access to a nuke anytime soon. First and foremost you have a drug/alcohol related charge in the past 5 years (DUI). Second, you were in rehab but also just got discharged from the Navy, for being impaired, after that rehab took place. Last but not least, you were just denied access at a nuke which is kept in a database that all nukes use. Some nukes are more lenient than others but in your case I don't see you gaining access at any nuke.

My suggestion is get your life in order and give it all a little time to pass. In most cases any drug/alcohol charges in the past 5 years are always going to hurt your chances, especially when there are multiple charges.

You will have a chance to gain access again one day assuming that you keep out of trouble. It just won't be for a while.

Good luck to you


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