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Overseas plants to work at
Which plant would you like to work at overseas and why.
If you have worked overseas fill us in on what you thought.
Roll Tide:
I have heard good things about the S. African plant. Quite a few Americans worked there during initial Ops. I haven't heard of any opportunities lately.
--- Quote ---I have heard good things about the S. African plant. Quite a few Americans worked there during initial Ops. I haven't heard of any opportunities lately.
--- End quote ---
I tried applying to the South Africans through their embassy in 1988. No luck ??? Guess I needed to get out a few years earlier to catch the hiring wave.
I'd like to work the plants in Britain though. I hear the dining is gourmet, and the weather is nice ;D Seriously, though, it would be great to work a UK facility and see how things are done elsewhere.
I want to try Russia, just 'cuz you always hear so much BAD about their older plants...I'd have a few good stories when I got done I bet!
Also would like to try S. Africa just to check out the culture...have never made it to that part of Africa.
Thanks for the poll, RadBastard...always fun to dream about travellin'. Are you doing Brazil's SGRP?
are yinze freekin kidden me? itz gotta be sweden! :-? [smiley=beerchug.gif] [smiley=remykiss.gif]
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