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Author Topic: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)  (Read 18939 times)

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Just trying to get a feel for a great company in nuclear power. Wondering if people have found better places or opportunities with other companies.
try to answer stuff like:
Perks, if any?
Safety Culture, how safe do you think your plant is run? does equipment get fixed in a timely manor?
Wage, do you think you a paid well enough to put up with the daily BS and over reaction when something doesn't go right? Is your management out to get you?
Over All Moral of Plant? Are people who have worked there more than 5 years happy to show up to work? Do you believe when your GMPO or Site VP is being truthful during all hands meeting or site wide meetings? If you have a concern does it get addressed? Are they telling you Nuclear Power isn't making money because Natural Gas is so cheap?
How They Treat Their Employees? Does your management think they own you? Do they expect more for less? and when you get them more it is never enough?
Training Program? Can you learn something from your trainers? Is it just a waste of time to have an instructor go over a power point for 2 hrs, then you just have to read a lesson plan anyways?
Staffing? Are you running on just the minimum the NRC requires? Are people just over worked, and see their personal lives suffer? How is quality of life ?

Operations related:

We as NLOs/AOs are required to go to license class(RO or SRO). Does the majority of candidates think the worse thing that could happen, could be they pass the class and become a RO or SRO? If you don't pass you have to find a job in another department or within the company(have up to one year) if not they can let you go. We say this because we see the stress and constant testing and exams and crazy evaluations the SROs and ROs have to go though every 5 weeks in training. Along with the Corporate evaluations, and stress that comes with that. And every time they make a decision they put their licenses and career on the line.
 Is the getting more common to have no more 25 year NLO/AO ?
I do have operation, electrician, and HP  background. I now find my site and company to be very disappointing in meeting my expectations, just wondering if anyone else feels that same about theirs?
« Last Edit: Mar 06, 2013, 06:31 by jobsitereview »


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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #1 on: Feb 27, 2013, 11:37 »
Just trying to get a feel for a great company in nuclear power. Wondering if people have found better places or opportunities with other companies.
try to answer stuff like:
Perks, if any?
Safety Culture, how safe do you think your plant is run? does equipment get fixed in a timely manor?
Wage, do you think you a paid well enough to put up with the daily BS and over reaction when something doesn't go right? Is your management out to get you?
Over All Moral of Plant? Are people who have worked there more than 5 years happy to show up to work? Do you believe when your GMPO or Site VP is being truthful during all hands meeting or site wide meetings? If you have a concern does it get addressed? Are they telling you Nuclear Power isn't making money because Natural Gas is so cheap?
How They Treat Their Employees? Does your management think they own you? Do they expect more for less? and when you get them more it is never enough?
Training Program? Can you learn something from your trainers? Is it just a waste of time to have an instructor go over a power point for 2 hrs, then you just have to read a lesson plan anyways?
Staffing? Are you running on just the minimum the NRC requires? Are people just over worked, and see their personal lives suffer? How is quality of life ?

Operations related:

We as NLOs/AOs are required to go to license class(RO or SRO). Does the majority of candidates think the worse thing that could happen, could be they pass the class and become a RO or SRO? If you don't pass you have to find a job in another department or within the company(have up to one year) if not they can let you go. We say this because we see the stress and constant testing and exams and crazy evaluations the SROs and ROs have to go though every 5 weeks in training. Along with the Corporate evaluations, and stress that comes with that. And every time they make a decision they put their licenses and career on the line.
 Is the getting more common to have no more 25 year NLO/AO ?
I do have a OPS background, and kind of new to nuclear ( 2 yrs NLO). I find my site and company to be very disappointing in meeting my expectations, just wondering if anyone else feels that same about theirs?

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #2 on: Feb 28, 2013, 09:52 »

I do have a OPS background, and kind of new to nuclear ( 2 yrs NLO). I find my site and company to be very disappointing in meeting my expectations, just wondering if anyone else feels that same about theirs?

The places that are always hiring...there's a reason for that.

Advice: Bloom where you are planted, STAR (Start Typing Another Resume) and search search search the NW boards to answer your 1.7 Mole of questions. That will give you a feel of which sites/companies have bad reps or good. Then decide if you are bold enough for the next part of the adventure.


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« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2013, 10:00 by MacGyver »

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #5 on: Mar 01, 2013, 10:55 »
I have not found any nuclear power companies that provide a 100% welcoming, balanced, fair work environment; however, some are better than others.

If you want a great work environment in the nuclear technology field you should consider one of the research labs like Sandia (first choice) or Oak Ridge.

If you want to make lots of money, then go overseas...opportunities upcoming, but be prepared for culture shock.

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #6 on: Mar 01, 2013, 11:08 »

If you want a great work environment in the nuclear technology field you should consider one of the research labs like Sandia (first choice) or Oak Ridge.

Please give your criteria for 'a great work environment.' 

I have been underwhelmed by my (admittedly limited) experience with research labs...  ;)
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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #7 on: Mar 02, 2013, 12:16 »
Autonomous, safe, paid for overtime, lots of laughter, treated with dignity and respect, fun, micro-managers are few, able to speak up without fear...I could go on

DOE is better than commercial nuclear power in this regard due to the nature of the work.


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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #8 on: Mar 02, 2013, 08:27 »
Hmmmm, used to love my company. Now not so much.

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #9 on: Mar 19, 2013, 02:07 »
In my limited experience in Nuke Power, I have traveled pretty much all the time. Now I am a contarctor and we all know contractors don't really get treated well by our company(ies), it's the people we work with that make it worth while. There are some plants that I go back to, some that I would consider, and others I would tell that I am having oral surgery from Dr. Frankenstein 2 days before their outage!

The perk to being on the road, you're never in the same place for longer than you really want to be. And you get to meet new people, see new things, go new places constantly.

The disadvantage, family time missed, not sleeping in your own bed, not really any good benefits.

So all companies and places have good things and bad things about them. It all depends on the type of person you are!

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #10 on: Mar 19, 2013, 02:18 »
Can I say NukeWorker?  I think I just did.

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #11 on: Mar 27, 2013, 06:14 »
You're probably right but I never see them post any openings. Must be small.


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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #12 on: Mar 27, 2013, 02:22 »
Autonomous, safe, paid for overtime, lots of laughter, treated with dignity and respect, fun, micro-managers are few, able to speak up without fear...I could go on

DOE is better than commercial nuclear power in this regard due to the nature of the work.

This sounds nothing like the Sandia I remember.  Of course, that was a while ago and there's been a few personnel changes which may explain the difference (or are you referring to Oak Ridge?).

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #13 on: Mar 27, 2013, 08:18 »
I Heart Hippie Chicks!!!

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #14 on: Mar 27, 2013, 09:25 »
Crystal Paint And Decorating

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #15 on: Mar 27, 2013, 10:09 »
   I may be a bit jaded having worked for over 20 companies but I liked the ones who paid on time and were for the most part invisible to me on a day to day basis but responded when I had admin needs from the home office. AeroTek in Knoxville was one of these. I would give Carl's Services a thumbs up for different reasons he kind of reminded me of Chuck Pierce of NUMANCO in it's early years, very personal because of it's small size.


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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #16 on: Mar 28, 2013, 04:34 »
Never been treated better than as an outage temp for PG&E.

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #17 on: Mar 28, 2013, 09:07 »
Never been treated better than as an outage temp for PG&E.

I'll second that.  :)
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

Offline Brett LaVigne

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #18 on: Apr 01, 2013, 12:01 »
I'll second that.  :)
If you were one right now... You might change that opinion.
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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #19 on: Apr 02, 2013, 05:27 »
Crystal Paint And Decorating

I Love that company!!! Same one I am thinking of out of FL. But you got to Love a good Paint store! +K

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #20 on: Apr 02, 2013, 07:17 »
The ORIGINAL Chem-Nuclear Systems Inc. Bruce Johnson started the company and ran it well. He talked to everyone one on one and handed out bonuses himself. It was great until the hostile takeover, down hill from then on!!
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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #21 on: Apr 02, 2013, 09:11 »
The original Numanco.  Pawtucket Chamber of Commerce building.  Met Sue for the first time there.

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Re: Best Company you have worked for(priviate or govt)
« Reply #22 on: Apr 02, 2013, 04:45 »
NFAS, teaching BEE.  I reported in from the Enterprise, and Mike Pakora (RIP) said "We have one rule here.  If you come in late, you have to leave early."  Best Tour EVER!


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