Our guys are ANSI 3.1 once they are done and since one of our consultants actually helped author what makes a 3.1 technician, there should be no debates once released to the wild. Many have also been sent to Diablo Canyon for outage work. I believe our training program (which goes into PADS) is pretty unique. It was developed with it in mind that we wanted the newbees to be ready for the "Real World" when they left. I have a tremendous amount of respect for our RPM that pushed to make that a part of our program. They will have no problem getting jobs when they leave here, or at least will be playing on level ground with the rest. Believe me when I say, one of our new 3.1 techs (less than 5 years) has seen and covered higher level work than they will ever see in a commercial outage. Both from the perspective of a Decon technician and RP technician (they had to do both jobs). As a non-ANSI Jr. RP fresh out of class, you are expected to provide coverage (with a mentor of course) for anything other than high rad and free release. I really wish others took this approach to developing new folks, makes for strong capable technicians who actually know about the science they are protecting people from.
Good to hear,....
From a PM I sent to a newbie not so long ago:
..................Shipyard Article 108 might be your better resume enhancer, get 108 qualed, hang at the shipyard for a couple of years and try commercial again,...
the other option would be a long term DnD of a NRC licensed facility, cover major component removal and segmentation, try to get picked up for radwaste and get certified as a DOT Class 7 shipper while gaining your Senior HP and absorbing as much as you can with pool to pad (ISFSI) experience (so you can work with real neutron dose rates and no chit it could kill ya ARM controls at the SF bridge), Final Status Survey, and HPGE/count room stints,...
Zion has a number of years to go, Kewaunee may start DnD next fall, Humboldt is ongoing for a lot of years to go (and it's an alpha nightmare, but you did say you wanted to get good quick IIRC),..
stay away from.....................,...
The efforts on the part of your RPM which you have detailed speak volumes,....
Our guys are ANSI 3.1 once they are done and since one of our consultants actually helped author what makes a 3.1 technician, there should be no debates once released to the wild.............
How much I agree and applaud and why does not change the reality of the last decades,...
To be honest with ya, in the 24 yrs I've been do'n this I've never seen a non-commercial or D&D site take a commercial qualified SHP as anything less than a SHP whereas the commercial world is not to keen on taking a non-commercial or D&D SHP as a SHP until said tech has at least 6-12 mo's commercial under his/her belt. Not saying it doesnt happen, just never seen it.
Perhaps as the pool of slower, but well seasoned techs diminishes the paradigm will be forced to change,...
I don't read tea leaves so I don't know,...
Tell Marty I said hi,...check your PM's,...