Career Path > Outages

Why don't more Utilities do it??

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--- Quote from: Atomic_Punk on Nov 17, 2004, 11:44 ---
I think it's just laziness on the part of the utilities.  It's easier to just let the contract company handle it and not deal with the headaches.  Plus, as an added bonus, they can blame the contract company if things go wrong.  Not to mention, you can let a contractor go at anytime for any reason.  Harder to do when they work for the utility.

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Atomic_Punk is right on the Money, especially about the letting go part and headaches.


--- Quote from: RRhoads on Nov 17, 2004, 09:38 ---Maybe we could get some responses as to why Utilities don't hire RP Techs like  Diablo does?
Co-employment issues, maybe???
Seems to me that if they can do it, surely others can.
They don't have to pay for a nice office full of people answering the phone & some paper pusher smoosher who's only "real" job is to get the $$ out on time.
Granted that the utility prob. doesn't have to deal with the great retirement of some head shops & the medical ins. that goes up every year( i believe these are called "Employment benefits")
For Diablo wages & diem i could deal w/ my own 401-k & insurance.
I would bet the techs there are happier with that kind of cash!
Now that a certain company has to make a profit for it's investors..i am sure the wages & diem will increase for our dwindling  pool of SR RP Techs! ;)

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Well There you go, making sense again. Where some people work, that can get you run off. I think some plants, in their "fit for duty" have a section about being 'thunk' on the job.

Have you tried to take to someone about your thinking problem? If I were you, I would before your friends plan an intervention........Seriously, Karma to you to point is well made. ;D


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