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Offline Henni112

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DUI dropped to Reckless
« on: Apr 09, 2013, 12:05 »

I was pulled over and went to court for DUI blowing .09 on my BAC but was dropped to reckless driving on 03/11/13.  Restricted driving until 06/11/13.  On the paper work it does display Probation: 01Years 00Months 00Days.     

Other than that I really don't have anything on my record from the last 5 years other than a speeding ticket and two missing liscense plate tickets.  How bad does my outcome look for possibly getting the job or being denied access?

From what I gathered my interview for the Tech I position went very well.

Offline gravy58

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Re: DUI dropped to Reckless
« Reply #1 on: Apr 09, 2013, 06:44 »
Just tell them the whole true and be willing to go to alcohol counseling if necessary and you should be fine.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: DUI dropped to Reckless
« Reply #2 on: Apr 09, 2013, 07:54 »
I'll bet you lunch they go to the next name on the list. Wait a year, dry out, let the probation fall off, and try again.

Offline Henni112

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Re: DUI dropped to Reckless
« Reply #3 on: Apr 09, 2013, 08:57 »
I talked with my lawyer this morning and he said I am not on probation but on a 12 month "good behavior" period.  I don't have a probation officer or anything like that.  does that still consider me to be on "probation"?  and should wait a year?


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Re: DUI dropped to Reckless
« Reply #4 on: Apr 13, 2013, 12:37 »
I'll bet you lunch they go to the next name on the list. Wait a year, dry out, let the probation fall off, and try again.

Dave hit the nail on the head. Gravy's answer may come into play more if you had been badged 20 years, work with utility and had contact with the EAP.(which your access still could be terminated it is no guarantee)  However, you are a new hire different rules apply. I'm sure there are 30 other techs in line.

Just as I explained to you in multiple pm's, this is too recent and you are on what is essentially probation without having to report to a PO. On top of that you said you failed to list you were in jail 9 days (for what i dont know). You will be denied on failure to list more likely than anything else.

So my opinion stays the same, wait a year and try again. Stay out of trouble. Trust me I love Crown Royal but my paycheck every week trumps any feeling the whiskey gives me.

good luck


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