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Author Topic: Need advice. Combined Cycle or Nuke? I&C Tech and Maintenance.  (Read 5313 times)

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Offline twin_peaks

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I have recently been given two job offers. As the title suggests, one is a nuke offer(I&C), the other is a non-union combined cycle(O&M); Both plants are for the same company. I am a nube in my career field (3 years O&M) with emphasis in I&C. I am looking for any advice that might reassure my gut that I am making the right jump by going into the nuclear world. My personal opinion is that the Nuke I&C would provide better training, better pay and benefits, and be better all around in the long term, but that is pure speculation.  Thanks!


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I have recently been given two job offers. As the title suggests, one is a nuke offer(I&C), the other is a non-union combined cycle(O&M); Both plants are for the same company. I am a nube in my career field (3 years O&M) with emphasis in I&C. I am looking for any advice that might reassure my gut that I am making the right jump by going into the nuclear world. My personal opinion is that the Nuke I&C would provide better training, better pay and benefits, and be better all around in the long term, but that is pure speculation.  Thanks!

"Not so fast my friend."  -  Lee Corso

I know of a Nuclear Utility that pays its NON-UNION I&C better than Licensed Reactor Operators (or it did at one time recent).  It payed its UNION I&C very average at its other plants.

A lot of NON-NUCLEAR jobs pay on par or better too.

As for training, I can't tell you which would be better without more detail.  The fact of the matter is it can take 3 years to make a Journeyman at a Nuclear Plant.  I am sure it can be done quicker.

Even if you went to a nuclear plant, pay and training go in cycles, so it would be tough to say which would possibly be better.  A lot of folks come to nuclear without a background and do not like it.  On the other hand some do.

So, the answer is "It Depends".

Pick the plant that is closest to home, or etc.  Everything else is a wash.

Ain't it great to have these kinds of troubles?   8)
« Last Edit: Apr 09, 2013, 01:10 by MacGyver »

Offline UncaBuffalo

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I have recently been given two job offers. As the title suggests, one is a nuke offer(I&C), the other is a non-union combined cycle(O&M); Both plants are for the same company. I am a nube in my career field (3 years O&M) with emphasis in I&C. I am looking for any advice that might reassure my gut that I am making the right jump by going into the nuclear world. My personal opinion is that the Nuke I&C would provide better training, better pay and benefits, and be better all around in the long term, but that is pure speculation.  Thanks!

If I were in your shoes, I'd go with the nuke I&C job while it's open.  I think it will be easier to find another non-nuke O&M job later, if you should decide nuke isn't for you...

As far as training...I would expect all the I&C stuff to be WAY more modern on a combined-cycle...most nukes are kind of dinosaurs and they leave them that way because it's easier to put up with antiquated instruments and controls than it is to get modern equipment approved. So if you want to be state-of-the-art in your training, go with the combined-cycle...if you just want quantity, you will get a BUNCH of stuff dumped on you in nuke.

Pay & Mac said, it just depends on where you are.

Good luck!  :)
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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