What is a couple years? Everyone seems to have different meaning for a "couple years ago"
If it was within the past 5 years, regardless of whether or not you got caught, you will become what they essentially call an "expanded scope background". Instead of doing a 3 year work history you will have to do a 5 year work history. You will have a mandatory interview with the psych and probably be required to have a substance abuse evaluation from a certified counselor. The evaluation would be off site and it would come out of your own pocket. I've seen it priced anywhere from 200-500 bucks. Once that is complete the MRO/Psych will review what the SAE counselor has to say. The psych will give his/her recommendation and the site access manager will decide from there. All of this is mandated by the NRC.
The fact you didn't get caught doesn't really matter. I mean sure it's good you don't have a criminal record but you are admitting to drug use within the past 5 years which is one of the main things they are looking for when one completes a background check. Does it necessarily mean you will get denied? No. However, it will definitely hurt your chances.
Good luck
Hello all,
I go in for in-processing next week and I am looking for some opinions. I graduated from college a year ago and I experimented with marijuana in my earlier years there. (couple years ago) I was never caught or anything like that. I fully intend on putting this on my phq, I was just curious if I'm going to get denied for this. I have no criminal history and everything else is good. Thanks!