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Offline 1youngin'

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Splitting hairs?
« on: Apr 23, 2013, 09:27 »
 Hello all,
I go in for in-processing next week and I am  looking for some opinions. I  graduated from  college a year ago and I experimented with marijuana in my earlier years there. (couple years ago) I was never caught or anything like that. I fully intend on putting this on my phq, I was just curious if I'm going to get denied for this. I have no criminal history and everything else is good. Thanks!


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Re: Splitting hairs?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 23, 2013, 01:46 »
What is a couple years? Everyone seems to have different meaning for a "couple years ago"

If it was within the past 5 years, regardless of whether or not you got caught, you will become what they essentially call an "expanded scope background". Instead of doing a 3 year work history you will have to do a 5 year work history. You will have a mandatory interview with the psych and probably be required to have a substance abuse evaluation from a certified counselor. The evaluation would be off site and it would come out of your own pocket. I've seen it priced anywhere from 200-500 bucks. Once that is complete the MRO/Psych will review what the SAE counselor has to say. The psych will give his/her recommendation and the site access manager will decide from there. All of this is mandated by the NRC.

The fact you didn't get caught doesn't really matter. I mean sure it's good you don't have a criminal record but you are admitting to drug use within the past 5 years which is one of the main things they are looking for when one completes a background check. Does it necessarily mean you will get denied? No. However, it will definitely hurt your chances.

Good luck

Hello all,
I go in for in-processing next week and I am  looking for some opinions. I  graduated from  college a year ago and I experimented with marijuana in my earlier years there. (couple years ago) I was never caught or anything like that. I fully intend on putting this on my phq, I was just curious if I'm going to get denied for this. I have no criminal history and everything else is good. Thanks!
« Last Edit: Apr 23, 2013, 01:50 by Graphic »


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Re: Splitting hairs?
« Reply #2 on: Apr 23, 2013, 04:58 »
Hello all,
I go in for in-processing next week and I am  looking for some opinions. I  graduated from  college a year ago and I experimented with marijuana in my earlier years there. (couple years ago) I was never caught or anything like that. I fully intend on putting this on my phq, I was just curious if I'm going to get denied for this. I have no criminal history and everything else is good. Thanks!

Sounds a lot like this post,,,

I was recently hired to start in June, and have some questions about in-processing and the PHQ forms.  I tried a pot brownie once; should I answer yes to the drug question on the PHQ form or just say I've never possessed any illegal drugs?  Also, does anyone know what types of questions they will ask previous employers? Thanks.


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Re: Splitting hairs?
« Reply #3 on: Apr 23, 2013, 06:58 »
It's a weekly occurrence in my inbox. When I get time I'm gonna do a FAQ list lol probably save me time

Sounds a lot like this post,,,


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