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Offline PercMastaFTW

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Needing Help In Deciding Path
« on: Apr 23, 2013, 03:41 »
Hey guys, I just took the asvab yesterday and my recruiter told me that i qualified for the nuke rating.

Here's my brief story: My original plan was to attend a 4 year university and gain a bachelors and masters in computer science. After noticing the price of college was too much, my father, a former marine, helped me look into the military. I was planning on joining the IT rating, as it was the closest thing to CS as I ccould probably get. I was also going to be taking one or so classes a semester at my college online to keep my position. After my four years, I was planning on finishing my bachelors and masters.

Here is today, after taking the asvab, my recruiter said Id probably waste my score by just going the IT rating. I've been taking an online MIT cs course and I have been loving it. Really challenging, cool, but of course its just introductory. The job outlook is amazing and you can do so much with programming.

I've never been one who really loved the hardware aspect. Loved the software. If I join the nukes, 6.years would be maybe meaning I couldn't pursue it,  but if the pros outweigh the cons, id be totally willing to do it. I've gotten mixed reviews on how fun it is, also on the pay in the civilian world (low as 40k?).

Ill soon be speaking to an uncle who was a commander of a nuke sub and also a close uncle who recruits for the navy. I really want to choose the best route with the greatest options and something I won't hate haha. Military was never in my options before, and never thought about the nukes till yesterday! Seems like God is pushing me to a very interesting path.

Would be great for alittle help! I'm pretty sure military is the only way with the GI bill I can get college ed. Gotta decide on which rating to join. Been writing this up on a faulty phone so hopefully  t was easily readble.

Thanks so much!!!


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