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Crystal River

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Author Topic: Crystal River  (Read 132599 times)

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #100 on: Aug 13, 2009, 05:15 »
New plants just got approved by the state...
reason for Levi Co. suite is water coolant to the gulf...Crystal River suite has 4 coalfired plants and the nuke...can only put out 80ish temp water...discharge will be 10 miles away

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #101 on: Oct 06, 2009, 03:09 »
Lots of rumors about CR. However the big question from here is " Was this thing planned ? "
We are trying our best, but it does not seem to be good enough. Way to many Larry the Cable Guys at the controls.

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #102 on: Oct 06, 2009, 10:50 »
Any truth to the rumor that CR broke the BRT while cutting thrugh the concrete in support of the SGRO?  Sounds like they did not detension enough tendons!

I hear that CTMT had issues at construction and was repaired.  Flawed detensioning produced bad crack last week at site of former repair, and now they have a real problem.  5-7 month outage ahead to detension all tendons to repair CTMT.  Yikes.


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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #103 on: Oct 08, 2009, 07:18 »
I hear that CTMT had issues at construction and was repaired.  Flawed detensioning produced bad crack last week at site of former repair, and now they have a real problem.  5-7 month outage ahead to detension all tendons to repair CTMT.  Yikes.
NRC Event Notification.


"Crystal River Unit 3 is currently shutdown for a planned refueling and steam generator replacement outage. During containment building concrete removal activities to create a construction opening to support steam generator replacement, a separation in the concrete was discovered in the vicinity of the construction opening near the periphery of the containment. The Crystal River Unit 3 containment is a steel lined, post tensioned concrete structure nominally 42 inches thick. Post tensioning is achieved utilizing an outer array of horizontal tendons immediately adjacent to an inner array of vertical tendons. The separation is generally in the plane of the horizontal tendons. Inside the separation is 30 inches of concrete and the steel liner plate. This condition has been evaluated relative to current plant conditions and found to represent no degradation in safety. Crystal River Unit 3 personnel in conjunction with industry experts are currently performing a detailed analysis of this separation to determine the cause, extent of condition, the impact on the containment building function and any required repairs prior to plant restart. Operating experience reports are being prepared to share our information with the industry. The station will provide updates as we gain more information concerning this issue."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #104 on: Oct 10, 2009, 12:55 »
I've never so much as looked at the Nuke side of the plant, but I was there for the first half of the year working on Units 4&5. They were doing the clean air mod and I was part of the startup testing group. My overall impressions of Crystal River were really good. I enjoyed much of the area, Homosassa being one of my favorite areas. Met alot of really great people and have many new friends down there. Couldn't find a decent Mexican resturaunt to save my life, but I'm from the SW originally, so I'm picky about that. Lots of great seafood places, alot of neat things to see and do. The people were very friendly. I'd recommend a place called Cattledog's if anyone is heading that way. It's a coffee shop that recently opened, but the owner is also a professional chef, so they have a good selection of really great food.

As far as the site, my interactions with actual Progress employees were fairly limited, since I was predominately working with the construction guys as a commissioner. I'd have to say that I'm about 50-50 on them though. Met some really good people there, and also met some guys that wouldn't be able to keep a job if it wasn't for the Unions looking out for the stupid, the unmotivated, and the lazy.

My understanding of the whole Levy county project was that Progress only got permission to start with it after they agreed to make the clean air mods to units 4&5.

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #105 on: Oct 21, 2009, 01:03 »
took awhile to answer my question, but got the information, Thanks, :)
Words fail me and pictures aren't much better.

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #106 on: Oct 21, 2009, 06:56 »
Do you all listen to all the romors???
Been here for 40 years...and am a contract at CR-3 foe almost every outage.
Yes they are going to build a new Nuke....yes there was a crack...yes they are under staffed....
Levi suit was the best location as stated...cooling water was the issue
crack was cut others found
would you spent 4 hour in BRT...then have to do routine surveys?

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #107 on: Oct 22, 2009, 12:02 »
Do you all listen to all the romors???
Been here for 40 years...and am a contract at CR-3 foe almost every outage.
Yes they are going to build a new Nuke....yes there was a crack...yes they are under staffed....
Levi suit was the best location as stated...cooling water was the issue
crack was cut others found
would you spent 4 hour in BRT...then have to do routine surveys?

What?  ???
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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #108 on: Oct 22, 2009, 12:20 »
Looks like a Yahoo BabelFishTM translation from Creole to Spanglish ....

Offline pahokeejo

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Re: Crystal River
« Reply #109 on: Dec 02, 2010, 12:09 »
Any update on construction of the Levy County site construction ?  I own an RV park near CR plant and want to plan ahead for accommodating Levy crews.  Thanks,  Jo Hatton, Lake Rousseau RV Park

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Crystal River Dry Cask Storage project
« Reply #110 on: Mar 10, 2017, 08:59 »
Can anyone tell me who has the contract for RP/HP at Crystal River for the Dry Cask Storage project associated with SAFSTOR ?


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