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Offline JimSTSltd

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Instrument sales companies
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:58 »
Hi guys,

I work for a UK based company making Training Simulation Instruments for the PP and Homeland Security sectors.  We are currently looking for new US distributors and I would really welcome some help in identifying some suitable candidates !  This isn't a sales pitch - just really stumped on finding independent instrumentation sales firms!
Any suggestions would be welcomed. :)
Thanks Jim

Offline roosterfitz

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Re: Instrument sales companies
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 04:51 »

The big ones for portables and installed monitors are:
MGPI - Jason Stevenson 603-765-9929
Thermo Fisher (Eberline) - Bob Thompson 603-560-2339
Ludlum Measurements - Sweetwater TX - just goggle it

The big ones for Multi Channel Analysis (portable and installed) are:
Ortec, Canberra and Berkley

hope this helps

Offline JimSTSltd

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Re: Instrument sales companies
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 09:32 »
Thanks for the suggestions,

But these guys are too big, they have little interest in our rather niche offering!
We are really looking for small independent companies selling a range or instruments and services.



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