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Palisades News

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retired nuke:
summer outage '93

a fuel pin separated from a bundle, not noticed during fuel moves

it was noticed on cavity draindown, when the ctmt rover called me at the checkpoint to say....

Snake, it's an R an hour at the top of the cavity. I sent everyone out until you get here....  :o

That was the second scariest sentence I've heard in my career.   8)

(scariest - from a radiographer - what do we do if both of our PICs are offscale...)  :-X

I love the area, and the people, and I hope that PAL gets itself going good, but ....  :-\

I was not the axeman. But I have a couple 6 string axes at home in cases. My favorite being a 1981 Gibson Les Paul custom produced in Kalamazoo, Mi. before company moved to Nashville.

CAM doesn't stand for Containment Axe Man?

2003 seems like such a long time ago. 4 dedicated hatch closure workers are staged in case of emergency  with axe. If you read axe you can still see true axeman from alert declared during 2003 refout ,his name John L.


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