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Author Topic: Aux/Equipment Operator vs. Operator Plant Trainee vs. chem tech  (Read 5850 times)

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Howdy guys,
I had a question, i have currently 2 job offers from exelon and 2 from entergy for which i'm selected for further testing.
Exelon job offers are of Aux operator and equipment operator which they told me are the same thing but different plants. and their hourly is ~37 something dollars.
Someone in the nuclear industry told me that Operations is the best way to go. So i was looking at Entergy's Operator Plant trainee and it says that
MRV Minimum Salary: $25.48/hr
MRV Maximum Salary: $25.48/hr
So why is it not ~37 something dollars /hr like the ones exelon is offereing? That is my first question.
Second, since i have a bach of science in nuclear Eng. is Chem tech a good job position for me? and how much does it usually pays per hour ? any idea.

I'm in need of guidance anything is appreciated. I have a EEI TECH test soon for chem tech I, but i wanna work in Ops, and i don't know how much it pays either. So should i go give that test or wait for OPS job ?

Thank you fellow Nukes.


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