Is it true that companies will Blackball you for working for a different company?
Is it acceptable to work for a different company if your usual company doesn't have work at that current time?
Lets hear what everyone has to say on this topic.
since you posted this under "Bartlett-Blackballed" I feel the need to respond...
Working for another company will not impact your eligibility with our company, in fact if we don't have work for you, taking a job with another company will only get you more experience thus making you more marketable in the future.
With that said you have to take into account we have an obligation to take care of those techs that most recently supported us, so if I have a choice between Tech A whose last job worked was for BNI and Tech B whose last job worked was for Shaw or QNS or whomever, I will urge my recruiters to hire Tech A. The reasons are twofold - 1. it takes someone off our unemployment rolls & 2. it rewards the individual for working for us/supporting us in the past.
I understand that sometimes by this methodology it may seem like someone is being blackballed, but should we switch it up and hire techs coming off of other jobs with our competition prior to techs coming off of our own jobs it just wouldn't make good business or people sense. There are of course exceptions to every rule as there are times when we are persuaded to do just that at our clients request.
I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. If you feel like BNI is blackballing you, please give me a call directly so we can talk and i can look into the situation. I cant guarantee you'll be happy with my answer, but it will be an honest one.
As always,