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Author Topic: 4-yr Nuke Engineer Degree Vs. 2-yr Technical Degree  (Read 4229 times)

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Offline kekome

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Hello all! I am interested in rejoining the Nuke field, I was a Navy Nuke ET, but got honorably discharged prior to finishing Power School and Prototype.  My goal is to become an SRO.  I already have a BA in Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and an AS in Applied Electronics, but I work in the medical field now.  I have been told of two options for becoming an SRO by different people.  1) Go to school and finish a 4-yr BS Nuclear Engineering Degree, then apply at a plant and tell them that I want to be an RO and work my way up to SRO.  2) Go to a 2-yr Technical School and get an AS Nuclear Technician Degree, apply at a plant, become a SO, work 5 years then apply to be an RO, then work my way up to SRO.
Which of these two paths are realistic?  Is it realistic to be able to apply at a plant as a nuke engineer and tell them I want to be a RO and them agree and send me to school for such?  I'm just trying to explore and find the best path.  What are your opinions, thoughts, concerns, or even alternative paths?

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: 4-yr Nuke Engineer Degree Vs. 2-yr Technical Degree
« Reply #2 on: Jun 21, 2013, 09:03 »
These should help you get started.  You can find a lot more info by using the search function.,16842.0.html,35983.0.html


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