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Author Topic: Nervous about my credit  (Read 9082 times)

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Nervous about my credit
« on: Aug 15, 2013, 04:49 »
Okay, so.

I am in the process of separating from the Air Force and in processing with a company doing security for a power plant. I am very nervous about my credit as it is quite horrible. No bankruptcies or liens or anything like that. I just made very dumb money decisions as a new airman and when I repaired those issues other debts suffered and its been this cycle of pay one thing off while other debts went into late payments. Rinse and repeat. I have a car payment that is one payment behind and has been for 9 ish months and a few debts that went into canceled accounts that I've paid most of them off. Some still have a balance.

As of now I don't buy anything extra. Gas, food, bills. Living pay check to pay check trying to pay my debts. The idea is to use my pay (hopefully) from working at the plant to right my debts and make my back account much more comfortable. I declared that I had some very negative info on my credit report during the background check. Otherwise I am squeaky clean. No criminal history or anything like that.

I maintained a clearance in the military as a part of my duties with no issues.

Could my credit keep me from getting the job?

Offline Ksheed

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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #1 on: Aug 15, 2013, 10:10 »
Your credit should not effect you being able to gain unescorted access. I have know many people that gained access with a bankruptcy on their background.

Will the company hire you with bad credit? It's hard to say as this could very from company to company. That would be a question for their HR department.
« Last Edit: Aug 15, 2013, 10:13 by ksheed12 »


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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #2 on: Aug 15, 2013, 11:36 »
They've already given me a conditional job offer. I've done all the medical appointments and drug testing. Doing the agility test tomorrow.

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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #3 on: Aug 15, 2013, 03:07 »
They've already given me a conditional job offer. I've done all the medical appointments and drug testing. Doing the agility test tomorrow.

Judging by that statement I will stand by this one.
Your credit should not effect you being able to gain unescorted access. I have know many people that gained access with a bankruptcy on their background.

I do not know what the threshold is on bad credit, but it is my understanding that it is quite high. Of course, Graphic is the resident expert on this subject so he may have some better insight on it. It looks like he was last active sometime yesterday. You could always send him a PM.


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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #4 on: Aug 15, 2013, 07:07 »
One time someone stole my identity.  My credit was so bad they begged me to take it back.  It does not take much to lower your credit.  You can get it from making credit card applications, having credit cards too close to their limit or old bills far beyond the statute of limitations to enforce it, yet shows up on the report.  I only had a problem when I once applied for a Q clearance.  At outages I have never had a problem.  I still was able to buy a new car in spite of the credit.  I find if you have bad credit the problem will solve itself because nobody will give you more so all you bad bill eventually are old far in the past claims the die off your report after 7 years.


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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #5 on: Aug 16, 2013, 01:24 »
In this day and age it is pretty rare for someone to get denied for credit, but it does happen. The ones I have seen get denied simply on credit alone had high tax liens or judgments of high dollar amounts against them (they were high amounts of money).

So I'm sure you will be ok just make sure to give a good explanation why you are in debt and how you plan to resolve that (same reason many people are I would imagine)

Good luck!

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Re: Nervous about my credit
« Reply #6 on: Aug 16, 2013, 02:46 »
About a year and a half ago I was denied access to a nuke site due to a credit problem. However the site said after my explanation that they would just stop the process instead of an actual denial. Fortunately I passed the NU test before I had to leave.


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