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Offline wngolden

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HP/RP Help
« on: Jun 19, 2013, 02:45 »
Does anyone know how I can get into a Jr. HP/RP class? Who puts them on? Is there a schedule? I am trying to get into one the classes and start working outages eventually. Any information or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #1 on: Jun 19, 2013, 04:50 »
Does anyone know how I can get into a Jr. HP/RP class? Who puts them on? Is there a schedule? I am trying to get into one the classes and start working outages eventually. Any information or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #2 on: Jun 19, 2013, 04:56 »
It is not a very good time to "break into the HP profession" as too many schools have put out way too many interns with Associates Degrees in Radiation Protection. However if you really want to put 2 years into a degree with the prospect of working 10 -20 weeks a year after you get your degree. The better programs, based on interns I have worked with, would be Francis Marion College or Linn State College.
In most cases it makes more sense to try to get into a union and get a trade like electrician, pipe fitter, or maintenance as they tend to work more and have better benefits. Plus you can work at places other than nuclear power plants.
Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck!!!

                                                         Old HP


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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #3 on: Jun 20, 2013, 07:58 »
Depending on your home of record you might want to check into some of the local community colleges that are local to some of the nuclear plants.  A lot of these small colleges are offering 2 year degrees in Radiation Protection Technology which could lead you into a 4 year Health Physics degree program.  HP/RP is becoming almost a part time deal for most contractors.  However, that being said, most nuclear plants are always looking for HP/RP degreed individuals to build their staffing units.  There is nothing quick so don't think that you can pick up a week long course somewhere and bang you are a Jr. RP tech.  Don't work that way.  To get into our business you have to be able to do some work on your own to get prepared and do the work well.  Not a walk in the park.


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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #4 on: Jun 20, 2013, 12:17 »
Back in 2005 I paid $2000 for a RCT training class with Bartlett that lasted 6-8 weeks and she never got a job from it.  It was a waste of money and time.  When she did get into the business it was as a deconner.  After many seasons as a deconner she got a jr. HP spot only because she accompanied me as I was a senior HP.  There is no magic to get into this business and it is one of the worst times to try to break in to get magical money.  If you have money and time to burn the college program has the most merit; however it has no guarantees of placement.  It is kind of like books on real estate.  By the time it is published all books on the subject are more like "How I made my money" not how you can make money.  You are operating on an old plan for breaking into the business that no longer applies.  They are not looking for juniors, have them coming out their ears.  They want seniors who take years to train, and they want them already trained so as to not waste money training them.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #5 on: Jun 20, 2013, 12:40 »
Back in 2005 I paid $2000 for a RCT training class with Bartlett that lasted 6-8 weeks and she never got a job from it.  It was a waste of money and time. 

Not that I doubt that statement, but what class was this - just curious, as I was unaware BNI ever charged for any of our classes.  I'd like to know for my own knowledge so I can try to hold certain people and groups in our organization accountable.    I appreciate any info you can give me.

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Offline Rennhack

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #6 on: Jun 20, 2013, 01:27 »
Not that I doubt that statement, but what class was this - just curious, as I was unaware BNI ever charged for any of our classes.  I'd like to know for my own knowledge so I can try to hold certain people and groups in our organization accountable.    I appreciate any info you can give me.

Rocky Flats

It was at the end of the Rocky Flats cleanup, the government gave the workers 'transition assistance' (education and training reimbursement) to prepare them for other work. An RCT class was given.  An example: one of the security officers from Rocky Flats that went through the class ended up at Fernald as a Jr RCT.  I interviewed him when I performed a radiological audit of Fernald From July 20, 2005 to August 8, 2005.
« Last Edit: Jun 20, 2013, 01:46 by Rennhack »

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #7 on: Jun 20, 2013, 04:17 »
Rocky Flats

It was at the end of the Rocky Flats cleanup, the government gave the workers 'transition assistance' (education and training reimbursement) to prepare them for other work. An RCT class was given.  An example: one of the security officers from Rocky Flats that went through the class ended up at Fernald as a Jr RCT.  I interviewed him when I performed a radiological audit of Fernald From July 20, 2005 to August 8, 2005.

Thanks Mike - I knew there was a course that was offered out there that BSI went and hired certified instructors to come in and teach, I was unaware of the costs as it was thru BSI and not BNI, at that time I was completely focused on commercial, DOE was handled by a differant office.  Asking around now  I'm being told that the costs of setting up the course and the instructors were then deferred to the individuals going thru the training, if they came from Rocky Flats itself the DOE did provided some transitional assistance, if not they had to foot the cost themselves.  There have been allot of individuals that we were able to hire from that course but as content1 stated it really did no good for commercial quals and those that went the way of commercial normally started as decon techs and eventually moved over to HP.  Others jumped into other DOE sites as JRCT's. 
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Offline hotwing

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Re: HP/RP Help
« Reply #8 on: Jun 21, 2013, 03:48 »
Aiken Tech in Aiken South Carolina has an excellent 2 year or 4 year program( Haven't taken courses myself so check to confirm info) It is taught buy degreed health physicists who actually have years of field experience. You also get put on the Hiring list for Savannah River site just down the road.


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