I'm not yet 50, but it amazes me the difference between most 40+ guys and 20-something guys. Seems like the 20-somethings put in about 3-4 hours of "work" in a 12.5 hour shift, and we 40+ guys end up working our tails off to keep things going. Some of it may be a knowledge/wisdom issue, but a lot of it seems to be young guys these days are just flat lazy, and feel entitled to everything, whether they've worked for it or not.
That's too easy,...
There are a lot of names from 25 years ago that are nowhere to be found scrambling ladders in the turbine building anymore and they are not dead, nor have they moved upwards in the hierarchy, they just could not or would not cut it and moved on to other means of making a buck,...
Many of those were part of the surge from the TMI upgrades, a regulated power market, and "tavern recruitment" campaigns made infamous by the likes of JW, CP, etal,...
Same thing today, you may very well see a lot of stimulus spawn poking around and taking a paycheck but most of those which annoy you will not be pulling nuke paychecks 10 years out,...
But in all that spawn you will notice some really hard workers, who hang on to every bit of new quals and experience they can get, and always seem to be moving and doing,...
In 10 years they'll be running jobs, in 20 years; crews, shifts and companies,...
If you're lucky they'll remember you are actually a very valuable old codger and they'll find a good fit for you in their organization knowing that when they need you to help out with an oolie,...you'll be there,...
In the meantime, be thankful for the "just flat lazy, and feeling entitled to everything" stimulus spawn,....they keep you necessary,...
I'm just saying,...
![Coffee [coffee]](//www.nukeworker.com/forum/Smileys/new/coffe.gif)