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Author Topic: Resources for learning Nuclear power & creating simulation tests  (Read 4786 times)

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Offline dclements

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I recently started taking course at a nearby technical college in pursuit of acquiring an AS in nuclear technology and have been considering putting together a few simulation tests to help fellow students get through the program or programs like it at other schools. I'm aware of the NRC Generic Fundamentals Exams and have found a few documents that would help with the test, however they are meant for people already working in the field instead of someone trying to get acclimated enough to work in an entry level position.

I was wondering if anyone on this would know where I could go to get material to use for the tests and/or resources for putting the simulation test themselves together.

« Last Edit: Jun 18, 2013, 11:42 by Rennhack »

Offline dclements

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Perhaps a better question may be how many people would be interested in any resource material for learning about nuclear power since many of the intro books cost $100+.

In case any is interested, there is a free MOOC course that started a few weeks ago but may still allow people to sign up:


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