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Offline Ebeo1

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Jobs and 2013 Closures
« on: Oct 01, 2013, 10:12 »
Five or six years ago it looked like there would be a nuclear renaissance but a recession and low natural gas prices have seemed to dealt a one two punch to that idea.  Being that less investment money is available for new construction and the lower cost of energy production from fracking has brought about this change in the energy climate.

Crystal River (single unit) and San Onofre (two unit) had material conditions that prompted a closure.  Kewaunee and Vermont Yankee both single unit plants have closures may have more to do with power generation economics than material condition of the plant.  I don't mean to start an argument about the root cause of the closures just pointing out that 5 reactors are now committed to be taken offline.  To add some more gloom to this topic I have been hearing rumors construction in South Carolina may be mothballed. Lets hope that's not the case but still there are five units going down and four (not counting Watts Bar and Bellefonte) that are realistically under construction.

Concerning the industry and nuke workers: 
Now that here a five plants worth of personnel on the hunt for new jobs is there hope for new graduates getting into the field?
As other 1970's plants reach there end of projected life will the rate of closures accelerate?
Is this bad publicity on public opinion for new construction? 

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #1 on: Oct 01, 2013, 10:50 »

Concerning the industry and nuke workers: 
Now that here a five plants worth of personnel on the hunt for new jobs is there hope for new graduates getting into the field?

In what degree field?


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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #2 on: Oct 01, 2013, 11:01 »
To add some more gloom to this topic I have been hearing rumors construction in South Carolina may be mothballed.

Not sure where of from whom you heard that rumor.  We (VC Summer) are driving full speed ahead with our construction.  Duke continues their COLA process for at least 1 AP1000 near Gafney, SC.

As far as job opportunities, consider that a large and seasoned portion of the current industry personnel are approaching retirement age.  In the last 1 1/2 years, VC Summer has had no fewer than 20 personnel, across all disciplines, retire.

Jobs are going to continue to develop as more personnel retire.  Also, when the natural gas pipelines are completed in the next several years, these all time low natural gas prices will be a thing of the past, potentially driving the price for construction/operation of a natural gas plant back up.

Lastly, having spoken with peers from other stations/utilities who have a COLA at some stage of the approval process, those folks are watching and waiting to see how our project (VC Summer) and Vogtle's projects turn out.  Ideally, the lessons learned that we produce can help trim some costs and streamline the construction process, while making the NRC's construction oversight process better as well.

Just some tidbits to chew on.

Offline Ebeo1

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #3 on: Oct 01, 2013, 11:51 »
In what degree field?

I was talking about all graduates as a general term for new people getting into the industry with out work experience including both four year engineers and tech school people.

Not sure where of from whom you heard that rumor.  We (VC Summer) are driving full speed ahead with our construction.  Duke continues their COLA process for at least 1 AP1000 near Gafney, SC.

As far as job opportunities, consider that a large and seasoned portion of the current industry personnel are approaching retirement age.  In the last 1 1/2 years, VC Summer has had no fewer than 20 personnel, across all disciplines, retire.

I can agree with what you are pointing out and of course what I have heard are just that rumors from personnel familiar with Vogtle.

Lets say conservatively there were 600 people working at these five places that's 3,000 trained and experienced people looking for work.  Granted some would be unwilling to move, others would exit the industry, and some would retire but you still think that the surge of retirees wouldn't be filled by this surplus of workers? 

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #4 on: Oct 02, 2013, 12:22 »

Now that here a five plants worth of personnel on the hunt for new jobs is there hope for new graduates getting into the field?

I agree.  It looks like a tight market for the next few years.   :(
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Offline Ksheed

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #5 on: Oct 02, 2013, 09:37 »
As other 1970's plants reach there end of projected life will the rate of closures accelerate?
*their* Sorry, I typically don't do that but that one is a pet peeve of mine.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #6 on: Oct 03, 2013, 09:28 »
As other 1970's plants reach there end of projected life will the rate of closures accelerate?

I do not see an acceleration of closures. The NRC said early this year that they now welcome extension applications BEYOND 60 YEARS for commercial nukes. Now, there are no guarantees of acceptance, and no listing of hoops required to pass through, but this is huge news.

That means the plant where I am working, which my father worked while in training for another plant, could still be online when my son retires! (And yes, he is currently enrolled in a Nuclear Engineering degree program!)
« Last Edit: Oct 03, 2013, 09:30 by Roll Tide »
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Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #7 on: Oct 03, 2013, 09:14 »

I do not see an acceleration of closures. The NRC said early this year that they now welcome extension applications BEYOND 60 YEARS for commercial nukes. Now, there are no guarantees of acceptance, and no listing of hoops required to pass through, but this is huge news.

Much as I'd like to agree, materials aging under neutron fluence make me skeptical..

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Re: Jobs and 2013 Closures
« Reply #8 on: Oct 04, 2013, 11:25 »
I am brand new to this market...graduated in July 2013 Radiation Safety Certificate :-\.  What is your best advice for getting into the job market and keeping working?

Go back to school and study Radiology -
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