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Author Topic: In-Processing  (Read 26261 times)

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Offline ntowner

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Re: In-Processing
« Reply #25 on: Aug 16, 2013, 09:30 »
Not all plants are doing so and very few at the moment, but as of 2012 Comanche Peak Nuclear is doing hair follicle testing, and how that works is, they cut a hair right above the hair shaft a inch and a half and it goes back 90 days, it takes anywhere from 5-10 days for the drug or illegal substance to attach to hair shaft, beware recreational users, its a process of elimination, the economy is not getting any better, when they get this thing down to DNA test, folks you are not going to get away with jank.
« Last Edit: Aug 16, 2013, 09:45 by ntowner »


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Re: In-Processing
« Reply #26 on: Aug 16, 2013, 01:26 »
Not all plants are doing so and very few at the moment, but as of 2012 Comanche Peak Nuclear is doing hair follicle testing, and how that works is, they cut a hair right above the hair shaft a inch and a half and it goes back 90 days, it takes anywhere from 5-10 days for the drug or illegal substance to attach to hair shaft, beware recreational users, its a process of elimination, the economy is not getting any better, when they get this thing down to DNA test, folks you are not going to get away with jank.

Do you have proof of that? I highly doubt they are doing hair follicle testing considering they are mandated to DOT testing by the NRC. I will find out but I don't believe this to be very true
« Last Edit: Aug 16, 2013, 01:27 by Graphic »

Offline ntowner

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Re: In-Processing
« Reply #27 on: Aug 24, 2013, 11:10 »
Dont believe me, then sign up for the next outage at comanche and make sure you spleef up a blunt or two a month before your processing start date and you will find out, I have worked several outages there in 2011, and worked with a fella that I worked with at catawba and he gave me the soup on that, and correction on my part, 2013 outage.


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Re: In-Processing
« Reply #28 on: Aug 31, 2013, 11:06 »
Dont believe me, then sign up for the next outage at comanche and make sure you spleef up a blunt or two a month before your processing start date and you will find out, I have worked several outages there in 2011, and worked with a fella that I worked with at catawba and he gave me the soup on that, and correction on my part, 2013 outage.

Still isn't true. If it were true the NRC would have to publish a procedure for the collectors to follow -- and well there isn't one out there.


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Re: In-Processing
« Reply #29 on: Sep 01, 2013, 09:01 »
I was recently hired to start in June, and have some questions about in-processing and the PHQ forms.  I tried a pot brownie once; should I answer yes to the drug question on the PHQ form or just say I've never possessed any illegal drugs?  Also, does anyone know what types of questions they will ask previous employers? Thanks.
Never publish on some website you tasted anything.  Some states now allow us of pot; yet is it illegal still federally.  If you used some in the distant past and there is no evidence of it, why bring it up if you want to be in this industry?


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