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Re: Memorable Jobs
« Reply #25 on: Apr 20, 2007, 06:18 »
I really enjoyed my time at Sandia.  Learned a lot and got exposed to a wide range of different technologies, each needing their own little "twwek" of radiological controls

Offline incrediblehulk

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Re: Memorable Jobs
« Reply #26 on: Apr 23, 2007, 06:53 »
most memorable job is probably the time three of us (HP Techs) were sent into an 8 foot diameter circ water line to frisk it (a decommish)...   the safety rep was an older fellow who had less than a year to go before retirement, was bored and probably had a touch of the alzheiszmer...   he was so worried we'd get lost in the pipe that he kept wanting to tether us off...   i was accused of initiating this (the two other techs were a couple of cuties) but it didn't happen as there were cooler heads prevailing... and as it turned out..  we didn't get lost in the pipe since it wasn't exactly a maze...

Boy Gonzo,

You missed it at the end - surveying the drain pipe from the backyard to the river - from the inside...tethered off with a Bechtel guy trying to stay awake at the end of your rope. Ya shoulda come back!
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Re: Memorable Jobs
« Reply #27 on: Jun 01, 2007, 03:58 »
I have only been doing this for about four years but Fort Calhoun in 2003? I think was the year. They dropped a fuel bundle. When we pulled up to security they told us the plant had been evacuated and turn the car around. But we pulled over on the side of the road and a few minutes later they let us back in.

Then enter the cute fishing for fuel shirts that we were informed that if we were seen in them either off or onsite we would be terminated. Fun fun

Oconee SG for Unit 3 was very fun too.


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