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Offline Marlin

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #75 on: Dec 01, 2012, 02:59 »
Uh HR isn't who is going to screen your resume at a nuke plant.

But then BZ is not reviewer of all resumes everywhere.  [devious]

I would use his advice if submitting to his facility though

Offline jams723

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #76 on: Dec 01, 2012, 03:50 »
Uh HR isn't who is going to screen your resume at a nuke plant.

True, but as you have said... Individual preferences vary.

The resumes I screen, I do not care if bullets are used or not.  I am more concerned with clear concise communications and no spelling or grammatical errors.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #77 on: Dec 01, 2012, 06:01 »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #78 on: Dec 01, 2012, 06:11 »
But then BZ is not reviewer of all resumes everywhere.

Can I get a fact check on that?

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #79 on: Dec 02, 2012, 09:05 »
Uh HR isn't who is going to screen your resume at a nuke plant.


In my experience, all nuke plants do have HR departments. And, as in any other industry, part of their job is to weed out all the resumes that obviously don't fit the requirements before they pass the 'good' resumes to the hiring manager...

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Offline Ksheed

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #80 on: Dec 03, 2012, 10:46 »

In my experience, all nuke plants do have HR departments. And, as in any other industry, part of their job is to weed out all the resumes that obviously don't fit the requirements before they pass the 'good' resumes to the hiring manager...


Offline jams723

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #81 on: Dec 03, 2012, 08:26 »

In my experience, all nuke plants do have HR departments. And, as in any other industry, part of their job is to weed out all the resumes that obviously don't fit the requirements before they pass the 'good' resumes to the hiring manager...

Actually, at my utility the hiring manager see's all the applications before HR is done screening.  You can see the people as they apply.


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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #82 on: Dec 03, 2012, 09:33 »

In my experience, all nuke plants do have HR departments. And, as in any other industry, part of their job is to weed out all the resumes that obviously don't fit the requirements before they pass the 'good' resumes to the hiring manager...

Incorrect. They ensure people meet MINIMUM requirements then send them to the hiring manager for the real screening.

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #83 on: Dec 03, 2012, 11:01 »

Incorrect. They ensure people meet MINIMUM requirements then send them to the hiring manager for the real screening.



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Offline mikec426

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #84 on: Sep 03, 2013, 05:55 »
Currently I work for Vermont Yankee.  I'm sure you all have heard it is shutting its doors next year.  I've got a good handle on how to put my Navy experience on a resume, but what about AO experience?  Been at VY for 3 years, so I've only got 2 years as a qualified operator.

Hoping to get on as an AO somewhere else.  What do they want to see?  How many outages I've done?  Whether or not I've been disqualified?


Offline Rennhack

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #85 on: Sep 03, 2013, 06:19 »
I've got a good handle on how to put my Navy experience on a resume, but what about AO experience?  Been at VY for 3 years, so I've only got 2 years as a qualified operator.   Hoping to get on as an AO somewhere else.  What do they want to see?  How many outages I've done?  Whether or not I've been disqualified?

I'm sure you have already read the Nuclear Operator section and the rest of the resume section threads before you replied here.  I just wanted to mention it in case you had not.  I have no operator experience myself, so I can not offer any help other than that.  Sit tight, some one will be along shortly to offer some advice.  We have a LOT of operators around here.

Offline wagnerag

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #86 on: Jan 11, 2014, 03:31 »
Definitely don't put that you've ever been disqualified lol. Just put your duties and responsibilities. The things you did on a day to day basis, the people and groups you interacted with, things you trended and reported on, ya know, thing like that.

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #87 on: May 14, 2014, 02:10 »
I always thought that the one page resume didn't really work in the Nuke Industry anyways.

"In the past, job candidates were often told to keep their resumes to a page, and only go over if they were well into their careers with a lot of experience to share. As it becomes less common for people to stay with one or two employers throughout their careers and online applications become more prevalent, that advice is outdated and irrelevant, says Kenneth Johnson, president of East Coast Executives."

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #88 on: May 19, 2014, 02:08 »
I am willing to bet if you are an AO at VY, I would know 90% of your job from my OPS experience. Do not describe each pump you check ready to start. But make sure you explain the 10% of your job that would be different from the industry norm. For example, a small single unit site sometimes has AOs do jobs that would be done my Maintenance or another group at larger sites.
Then address your best accolades from VY as an AO. And relax, you have a great answer on "Why do you want to leave your current job?" that will not draw any unwanted attention.

And for the record, I have 19 years commercial experience (SRO, RO, AO, NRRPT), a B.S. degree earned while in the Navy, and 12 years Navy experience, but I can still fit my "resume summary" on a single sheet. I only call it a summary because I have a longer version for those that want extra details. Nobody cares which subs I was on; everything I served on is now razor blades!
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Offline Marlin

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #89 on: May 19, 2014, 03:06 »
I always thought that the one page resume didn't really work in the Nuke Industry anyways.

"In the past, job candidates were often told to keep their resumes to a page, and only go over if they were well into their careers with a lot of experience to share. As it becomes less common for people to stay with one or two employers throughout their careers and online applications become more prevalent, that advice is outdated and irrelevant, says Kenneth Johnson, president of East Coast Executives."

   Resumes need to be focused for most positions especially for in house, but it is hard to keep a resume to one page for job shoppers whose titles may not reflect your actual responsibilities and accomplishments. I frequently add one or two experience and highlight boxes that provide a bulletized synopsis. I got this from a resume writer that massaged my resume for a bid proposal and have kept that general format ever since. Resumes should reflect who you are targeting, one size does not fit all.

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #90 on: Sep 12, 2014, 03:41 »
I see that we have a fabulous crew here to critique resumes........ Anyone care to look at mine? Seems I can't get an interview anywhere even though I have passed the TECH and have the experience needed........
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Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #91 on: Mar 16, 2015, 05:44 »
Hey Everyone, I'm attempting to tweak and tune my resume for a nuclear power plant operator application and I'd appreciate any thoughts you can give me on ways to improve it. The biggest issue I'm having is with my employment history and how to state it without it being a negative mark against me, I don't want to seem unable to commit to a job (I moved around due to a couple of plants closing down and a layoff).

Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

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Grade One Maryland Stationary Steam Engineer. Third Class Ohio Stationary Steam Engineer. Four + Years O&M Experience in Large Steam Turbine Generator Power Plants and Combustion Turbine Generating Units. Qualified Steam Turbine Auxiliary Equipment Operator and Combustion Turbine Control Room Operator. Graduate from Youngstown State University with a Degree in Fossil Fuel Power Plant Technology (Associate Degree). Currently Employed by First Energy as a Combustion Turbine Specialist.


First Energy                                                                          April 2014 - Present
West Lorain Power Plant
Lorain, Ohio
Combustion Turbine Specialist

NRG Energy                                                                          August 2013 – April 2014
Avon Lake Power Plant
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Plant Technician B – Operations
Left Due to an Imminent Plant Decommissioning
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Chalk Point Power Plant
Aquasco, Maryland
Senior Plant Technician – Operations
Left Due to a Work Force Layoff

NRG Energy                                                                         November 2010 – Summer 2012
Potomac River Power Plant
Alexandria, Virginia
Senior Plant Technician – Operations
Left Due to Plant Decommissioning

Smith Brake   
Boardman, Ohio                                                                  July 2002 – September 2010
Automotive Technician


Youngstown State University                                       
Youngstown, Ohio                                                      
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Technology (associate degree)
GPA: 3.86 / 4.0 scale
Graduated With High Honors in May of 2010

Canfield High School
Graduating Class of 2002


Ohio Third Class Stationary Steam Engineer (License #18150)
Maryland First Grade Stationary Steam Engineer (License #33114)
EEI Testing Passed – POSS B / POSS C / MASS
Attended 2 Week Training Course on Mark V Trouble Shooting
Trained in Confined Space Rescue and High Angle Rope Rescue
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Please post your resume at

This topic is for advice on how to write your resume, not for posting them. Thanks.

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #92 on: Mar 16, 2015, 08:39 »
That being said, I'd drop the reasons you left your previous jobs. Usually there's a place for that on the application.

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Re: Resume Advice
« Reply #93 on: Mar 16, 2015, 10:03 »
Actually I like that he has why he left because the time-frames are short for those jobs. Employers may wonder otherwise why he isn't holding employment.  It doesn't say "outage" or similar, so it makes sense. The resume is short and to the point which is good.  Add something arbitrary in the skills section to show computer literacy:  Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs.


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