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Author Topic: Re-post Your Resume Every Few Days for a Better Chance of Getting Called  (Read 8403 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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Re-post Your Resume Every Few Days for a Better Chance of Getting Called

When you're looking for a job, you don't want your resume to end up at the bottom of the pile. Increase your chances of getting your resume looked at by recruiters by reuploading your resume to NukeWorker frequently. Recruiters look at recently uploaded resumes first.  And make sure your contact information is up to date.

Recruiters only look at resumes for about 6 seconds, but at least your resume will have a better chance of being found.


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Good advice! I learned this at another job posting site. Every 2 weeks I'd click update and the Hey we are interested emails would start bombarding my email.


  • Guest
Sounds like a good tip. Wondering if it works on other platforms. My wife has some problems with job in accounting, maybe that would help...

Offline hamsamich

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  • And did I hear a 9er in there?
I know this is an old post but it seems to be a thing that has worked for me so i will second that!  another thing that has worked is finding "esoteric" key words/phrases  (like NAVSEA 389-0153) relevant to specific jobs or certain employers or a combination of the two.  a great way to get these into your resume is to look at new or old job postings on different company's websites and really pay attention to the esoteric things they say you need to have for the job.  you might have exactly what they are looking for but don't have it on your resume/searchable.  so consider putting them on your resume even if they seem a bit too mysterious for some employers to figure out what your qualifications are in real world terms.


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