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Really Cool Thing I Saw At Davis Besse Today
« on: Aug 22, 2013, 08:46 »
I was interviewing for an Ops instructor job at Davis Besse today. Their Ops Training Manager told me they have 75 Db background noise in their Control Room due to the location of their steam pipes. SO when they conduct simulator training they can actually create that amount of background noise in the simulator.

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Re: Really Cool Thing I Saw At Davis Besse Today
« Reply #1 on: Aug 22, 2013, 10:15 »

was the pizza in Wellington still as good as I remember it?

I'm sure it was,... 8)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Really Cool Thing I Saw At Davis Besse Today
« Reply #2 on: Aug 22, 2013, 11:24 »
Believe it or not I didn't go there. My flight arrived in Cleveland at about 130PM on Wednesday. I didn't get my rental car until about 2PM or so. A contract company called me about that time so I hung out in the rental lot talking to them till 3PM. I drove to Port Clinton, got there at about 415 or 430PM. About 530 or so I drove to DB to find their training center because that was the place of my interview.  I didn't feel like driving to Wellington after 6PM.

Today my interview wasn't until 2PM. It ended at about 430. I could have drove the hour to Wellington but right now the county fair is going on there. (Which BTW has a booth with the worlds best cream turkey sandwiches) I know you've been to Wellington so you know the intersection near the pizza house. During fair season, especially when there is nice weather that intersection is totally impassable. As a former local I know how to get around that but it's still a BEAR getting in and out. So I chose not to deal with it. My wife, who is in Tennessee is in total SHOCK I passed up both the Pizza House and the Fair.

HOWEVER last April we were up here and I ate there 3 times :) And yes it was great. In May when I interviewed with FENOC Corporate in Akron I ate at the PH and it was great then!

I think DB is about to have an outage SO  I'll put in my plug! Assuming you get time take Route 2 East to Route 58. Take 58 South and drive to Wellington Go through the stop light in the center of town and on your right you'll see the Pizza House.
(BTW for some BZ History just as you get to Wellington you'll see WHS where I went to High School.
Directly across from the Pizza House you'll see a beautiful town square. The library on that square was a BZ Haunt. Next to it is the town hall and if you want one pretty drive keep going about 1.5 miles past the PH and as you drive look to your left. You'll see a bunch of beautiful Victorian Houses where as a younger BZ I mowed lawns for a buck an hour. (Gardened too!) Those houses have slate roofs and GUESS who lugged the slate up there to stage for the roofers? A 12 year old BZ. (Got 10.50 an hour for that!!) Just past those houses is BZ Memorial Middle School! :) And if you wanna see where the great man lived turn left at that middle school, go straight about 3 blocks and take a left on McKinley Avenue. (This will also take you by the football field, home of the Mighty Dukes and where I set school records for Tackles, Sacks, Forced Fumbles and Personal Fouls when I was a Mighty Duke!) Peruse 115 McKinley Avenue then turn left at the stop sign. It'll take you right back to the center of town.

(Want a cold beer, go through that light and you'll see a bar called Forts, I used to hang in the biker bar next door called The Canteen, Forts bought the Canteen out. The owner of Forts used to date my late sister. Anyway he has great food, and beer at great prices and runs mixed drink specials) Say my name there and depending on who is there you might get greeted like an old friend OR you might get shot. Avoid the other bars in town as they are dives with ONE exception. If you follow keep going straight past Forts for a couple miles you'll come to a Bowling Alley called Strikeout Lanes. It's on the right side. My childhood friend Kevin owns it and has done a great job of turning it into a nice place with a great bar. (When I grew up his dad owned it and sold beer out of the coke machine. ) If you wanna bowl tell Kevin the Brubaker boys INSIST he put you on one of the original 6 Lanes. He'll get a laugh out of it.

If you stand in front of that bowling alley look across the road and to your right. You'll see a white house. That's where a young BZ bailed hay for free for his grandpa!!


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