Bartlett has the contract... but my name was given to PEM... don't know if that makes a difference or not. I was told PEM does the hiring for the firewatch and such not Bartlett. I may have been given wrong information. Either way I am not sure what is going on... The guy at PEM says my name is on the list. The head recruiter at Bartlett says he has never heard of the guy that told me this and doesn't have me hired in or on a list (I know he works there
). So maybe there is a difference in the two?
PEM is part of BHI as id Bartlett,... out the lower right link button of the homepage,...
it's the same link button you see advertised on the upper right corner of the homepage,...
PEM's homepage sends you right back to PEM,...
the one here sends you Bartlett Nuclear,...
same big company, different smaller divisions,...
keep dealing with the contact at PEM and get an offer letter or a confirmation, and do what that tells you to do and what your contact at PEM tells you to do,...
if you keep casting around between different divisions your going to generate some confusion,...
if PEM is bringing you in then PEM is bringing you in, who you are directed to report to after getting to the site will be revealed in due time,...
don't get too wrapped around the axle, it's often like this for your first few outages, you'll get better at it with time,...
oh yeah, good luck, stay low, keep moving, when in doubt, ask for something to do,...