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Offline UncaBuffalo

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Changed Answers on Security Clearance Paperwork
« on: Aug 24, 2009, 12:23 »
Okay, here's the scenario:

I've got a buddy that worked nuclear for several years.  He had always answered 'No' on the 'Have you ever done drugs' questions.  Then, he got religion and decided he had to be he started putting 'Yes.'  Of course, they pulled his clearance.

All of this was maybe 10 years ago.  Now he has started to explore getting back into the industry, but is being told he still can't get a clearance.

So, I guess my questions are:
1.  Isn't there a limit to the time that a lie would be held against him...similar to the 2-weeks/1-year/5-year (or whatever it is) for being denied access for FFD violations?
2.  Is there anything he can do to get back into the industry?
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Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Changed Answers on Security Clearance Paperwork
« Reply #1 on: Aug 22, 2013, 09:26 »


(Thought I'd shoot this one through again to get Graphic's take on it. Thanks.)
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Re: Changed Answers on Security Clearance Paperwork
« Reply #2 on: Aug 25, 2013, 06:16 »
When you say he is being told he can't get a clearance, who told him that? As I'm sure you realize basically he was deemed "untrustworthy or unreliable" since he changed his answers. I doubt they pulled his clearance over FFD issues because you didn't say he failed any tests. He should have gotten an 'official letter' explaining why his clearance was pulled and this "typically" will have the amount of time your denied access will run. I'm sure on his end he probably thinks it is silly because in reality he was being truthful. Of course in the utility/access eyes he lied before to gain clearance and then of course they will wonder what other paperwork he may have lied on.

Assuming he hasn't already, he needs to get in touch with the utilities access supervisor or manager and they should tell him if he will be able to gain clearance there. He could always try to gain clearance at another utility as well. Of course the other utilities will see that additional information in PADS and will get more information from the original utility. Whether or not they give him clearance would basically be up to how the utility treats those situations. There are certain NRC regulations each access program has to abide by but every utility can go above and beyond those restrictions so it does vary.

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Changed Answers on Security Clearance Paperwork
« Reply #3 on: Sep 02, 2013, 01:16 »
When you say he is being told he can't get a clearance, who told him that? As I'm sure you realize basically he was deemed "untrustworthy or unreliable" since he changed his answers. I doubt they pulled his clearance over FFD issues because you didn't say he failed any tests. He should have gotten an 'official letter' explaining why his clearance was pulled and this "typically" will have the amount of time your denied access will run. I'm sure on his end he probably thinks it is silly because in reality he was being truthful. Of course in the utility/access eyes he lied before to gain clearance and then of course they will wonder what other paperwork he may have lied on.

Assuming he hasn't already, he needs to get in touch with the utilities access supervisor or manager and they should tell him if he will be able to gain clearance there. He could always try to gain clearance at another utility as well. Of course the other utilities will see that additional information in PADS and will get more information from the original utility. Whether or not they give him clearance would basically be up to how the utility treats those situations. There are certain NRC regulations each access program has to abide by but every utility can go above and beyond those restrictions so it does vary.

Thanks for the advice.  I hadn't realized that it's possible to contact someone for 'pre-approval'.  I'll pass the info along.


« Last Edit: Sep 02, 2013, 05:27 by UncaBuffalo »
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Offline thenukeman

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Re: Changed Answers on Security Clearance Paperwork
« Reply #4 on: Sep 02, 2013, 04:09 »
Had  a person lose  their  Q  clearance over  this.  I  think  it  is  best  advice  to  always  keep  your  original  paperwork  to  refer  to when doing  your  periodic review  of  your  clearance.  It  is  always  best  to put   down  the  same  thing  so  there  will  be  no  confusion.  Getting  religion  in  this  case  I  have  seen   has  always  resulted  in  a loss  of  clearance. It is  always best  to  be  truthful  on  the front  end.  Youthful  indiscretion  it  seems  is  waive able,  lying  does  not  seem  to  be.


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