He can request reinstatement of his NEC via the same section of the MILPERSMAN that an individual uses to request NEC reinstatement after removal due to alcohol abuse.
I personally know someone who had their NEC removed for making a false official statement. The written statement never took into account something this individual had said to another sailor 3 months prior, because both sailors had actually forgotten about the conversation until one of them (the one not being charged) recalled it during questioning. The Navy judge still found the sailor guilty. Fast forward 4 years where the sailor submits their reinstatement request, recommended by their Chief, Division Officer, Bull Nuke, Reactor Officer, XO, CO, AIRLANT Nuke Master Chief and AIRLANT Nuke OIC. Gets to BUPERS where the Master Chief who handles NECs says "I will
never entertain reinstating his NEC". (That being the quote to my CMC when he called him on the phone

for that sailor would be me, for the record. And yes, there's more juicy parts to that story

So, guess what your friend's chances are?
And let me be another person to point out one, teeny, tiny mistake in your initial post;
"...due to a perceived unreliability.".
See, there is
NOTHING perceived here. He
LIED, then admitted that he
LIED, therefore he is a
LIAR. Hence, the phrase "demonstrated unreliability".
So there is zero confusion; NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. You do the crime, you do the time, end of story.
And for the record, the vast majority of conventionals I worked with over my 20 years, were as good as any of the Nukes. Minus the sense of self-entitlement and misplaced sense of superiority, of course