Facility & Company Information > Yucca Mountain
The check's in the mail...
Interesting article.
Calvert Cliffs was one of the plants that paid when it was originally due and then they started legal action to reclaim the money (purely symbolic) after it was clear that Yucca was not happening (at least any time soon.) Then, Exelon bought Calvert Cliffs. That must make some accountant's head just spin...
--- Quote from: RDTroja on Oct 07, 2013, 07:06 ---Calvert Cliffs was one of the plants that paid when it was originally due and then they started legal action to reclaim the money (purely symbolic) after it was clear that Yucca was not happening (at least any time soon.) Then, Exelon bought Calvert Cliffs. That must make some accountant's head just spin...
--- End quote ---
probly jest laying the credit payed off against litigation costs 'n taking the 13 weak tea bill interest percentil in an exponent of the differance two obtain a determination of the future scheduled payments from the gubbermint.
easy squeazy. ;)
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