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Author Topic: I'm looking for the best advice on "What NOT to do after getting fired"  (Read 9326 times)

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Offline jezibel

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especially if it's from a joke of an institution and .....  well, I'm going to bite my tongue until I cool my heels... But,  I'll do an interpretive dance, so to speak, using emoticons to convey the farce that was my employment.

  [RTFM] [agree] [DH] [BH] [agree] [stop]!!!

 [nuke]  [soap]


 [censored] [chill] [quit] [BD] [banned] [clap] [BS]

 [salute] [thanks]    [Flamer]

 [bad mood]

also, looking for some good advice in general, about anything.  It was my birthday last week, if that helps put the story into context. :P


Offline bill10249

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don't apply for the man who fired you job.
trains stop at a train station, busses stop at a bus station and now I sit at a work station working for DOE - you decide


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Remember everything is temporary.
Here's an article that I found uplifting; you might , too.

Offline SloGlo

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also, looking for some good advice in general, about anything.  It was my birthday last week, if that helps put the story into context. :P

due knot:

spin tires in parking lot 'n spray gravel at your ex-boss's vehicle.
go two nearest bar and get smashed.
offer a nun $50 four a half our fun at a motel.
buy a buncha drugs at the street corner pharmacy, then axe a cop for his coffee stirrer to dew them.
hang glide the site, mooning everyone.

in that order.  mix it up.  bee original.   ;)

quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Keep your head, buff up your resume, start exploring other worlds.
Not certain what your job was but some non nuclear entities could care less if you were a nuke. They have no idea what the training, environment or responsibilities are like.
Do not bad mouth your ex employer. It does no good and makes you look like the ass clown they now believe you to be.
If you know of a place that has a nuclear bud of yours employed then contact him. Chances are if he isn't a douchelord they like him and his work ethic/standards and are just waiting for the chance to hire another good nuke. At your interview let them know what you can do for them but do not sound holier than thou.
If you don't have it get linkedin. I got a wonderful opportunity because an ex NLO of mine got interested in Performance Improvement for Organizations. He left nuclear, contracted for a couple years but realized those who say they earn 200K a year contracting are lying so he took a job at a Fossil Utility as an executive director. One day he was telling the manager of generation and the board of directors he knew just the guy to cure their training and Ops Standards ills but his choice was in the nuclear industry and he figured I wouldn't leave it.
He said he decided to see if I was on linkedin, and to his surprise I was, and retired. (I had JUST registered the day before) He called me. I sent him my resume. They created a job using my resume and less than a month later I was hired.
It helped that he had to give a presentation to his Board Of Directors on how aberrant behavior can create a safety concern in the work force. I took 20 minutes and created a lesson plan based on an actual event I had known of. I sent it to him. Said this is a draft but it might help you with a starting point.
He presented it as is and his CEO said it was the best presentation he had ever seen. Go me it was a starting point. To them it was great work and implied great effort.
Just saying. keep your head, don't make a bad situation worse.

Offline spikeree

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In Connecticut it is illegal to give negative information about an employee you have let go, they can only give the dates you have worked! maybe the state you got the axe in has a similar rule?
« Last Edit: Oct 17, 2013, 03:54 by spikeree »


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Except he has a red flag in PADs. Any nuclear utility will see that. assuming they do hire him the PADs guys can give full details. Or none.
The company will probably say he left under whatever circumstances he left under. Either he ewas Terminated (which they can say) He left, (which they can say) or retired (which they can say).
The other got ya is on the UAA questionaire or the job at it asks if you are eligible for rehire and that is tricky. Assume you lost your UAA. You no longer meet a condition of employment. They give you a letter that states you will be terminated in 30 days. You notify them you are retiring on day 30.
If they call HR they will say you are not eligible for rehire in nuclear, though you might be in a non nuclear job. They might not inform the person requesting that info the second pat and in truth Nuclear Access doesn't care. The red flag is MORE than enough. When you hired in you gave them permission to enter you in PADS including whatever info Nuclear Access at any utility needs to investigate you.


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