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Which is the best (or ideal) HP job?

Contract Commercial Outages
15 (27.3%)
House Tech Commercial Plant
9 (16.4%)
DOE long-term
19 (34.5%)
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1 (1.8%)
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4 (7.3%)
1 (1.8%)
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6 (10.9%)

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Author Topic: Best HP jobs  (Read 19647 times)

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Offline Roll Tide

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Best HP jobs
« on: Mar 17, 2004, 11:09 »
There are many vacancies in the HP market in March, so it's a good time to ask the question.
How many are in their ideal situation, anyway? ???
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #1 on: Mar 18, 2004, 08:49 »
yoe!! dat'd be me!  at least in the short time mode.
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Offline Phurst

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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #2 on: Mar 18, 2004, 02:40 »
Ideal job? One that someone else has.
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Offline darkmatter

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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #3 on: Mar 18, 2004, 07:58 »
I've had a number of jobs at various locations. Its hard to say what would be best. I like contract commercial, but kinda need the insurance and benefits of a Housemouse.
I try to make the most of the job I have at the time. I am always amused at the Techs that say the previous or next job is better then the one they're suspose to be working now. All that whinning... and they wonder why they're on the bottom of the stack for returnee resumes.  ;D
"Never underestimate the power of a Dark Klown"

Darkmatters website is no more, nada, gonzo,  this will get you there, but I can't update it anymore. Maybe nukeworker will host personal sites eventully


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #4 on: Mar 18, 2004, 08:03 »
I am always amused at the Techs that say the previous or next job is better then the one they're suspose to be working now. 

Must be the ol' Navy influence there. The saying was that there were only two good ships in the entire Navy. The one you just left or the one you were going to next. It was never the one you were on.  ;)


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #5 on: Mar 18, 2004, 08:29 »
In my position having a job would be best :-\


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #6 on: Mar 19, 2004, 12:06 »
I am in my ideal situation for now.... I am a house tech working in a system that I can travel to the other 3 nukes and work the outages like a contractor.

It is the best of both worlds.... ;D 8) ;)

I say for now because some day I would like to go the ops route to get that experience so I can get into supervision/management.....

Offline darkmatter

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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #7 on: Mar 19, 2004, 07:30 »
so I can get into supervision/management.....

I'ld rethink that if I was you.   ::) Check the hours they work and all the calls at any time of the day or night with the latest CRISIS. I value my time with Family, work is how I support them, not my life.  :D
"Never underestimate the power of a Dark Klown"

Darkmatters website is no more, nada, gonzo,  this will get you there, but I can't update it anymore. Maybe nukeworker will host personal sites eventully


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #8 on: Mar 23, 2004, 07:31 »
Humm  !  my last hp job was over 3 years ago and I was getting 30 an hour . he he not bad  for a clean up site. Now as for Harley Gal I say go for it!! good luck! I am out of nukes for now working in Management, and the pay is not bad and No they do not call at home when u do not answer it lol. and hey my cell will not pick up where I am at LOL.
good luck.
oh the last HP in A nuke was IP 2  after they did the tube thing, but I left for a mangers job and never looked back. but never say never.
oh never had time to be in the navy was to busy being an NPO in my old life.
cheers ;D


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #9 on: Apr 09, 2004, 03:55 »
I'ld rethink that if I was you.   ::) Check the hours they work and all the calls at any time of the day or night with the latest CRISIS. I value my time with Family, work is how I support them, not my life.  :D

Getting called off hours is part of the territory when on duty...Management isn't for everybody especially if you are only in it for the money.... salaried never makes as much as hourly....and as far as family goes well I would have to have one to worry about them but I do not and won't until I can find someone who knows that my work is very important to me, like at the top of the list.


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #10 on: Apr 09, 2004, 09:51 »
I done the commercial road thing both shot and long term, short and long term DOE jobs and they all have had pro and cons.  I liked the road and meeting different people and going to different sites.  Learned alot and it was exciting.  The hours were killer with a little kid, never saw her.  House at DOE is not as exciting but regular hours, paid vacations  and being there for my daughter is worth it.  Benefits are great too.  Its hard to say which is best.


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #11 on: Apr 11, 2004, 10:20 »
had both and liked both.  but i hated both!!??  well, they both had good stuff and bad stuff.  the house job was a regular job with the same pumpkin heads in charge year in and year out with all the back stabbing politics that goes with butt kissers and the like.  the road jobs are great cause you are gone to another soon and don't have to stay or come back if you don't want to.  but you have to live in $*&^@#$ motels.   so you have to pick your own poison.       don


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #12 on: Apr 13, 2004, 08:11 »
had both and liked both.  but i hated both!!??  well, they both had good stuff and bad stuff.  the house job was a regular job with the same pumpkin heads in charge year in and year out with all the back stabbing politics that goes with butt kissers and the like.  the road jobs are great cause you are gone to another soon and don't have to stay or come back if you don't want to.  but you have to live in $*&^@#$ motels.   so you have to pick your own poison.       don

Karma to you Don, you are so right, both have good and bad....but you do not have to live in motels on the road. Go see the poll on Rv living on the road...lot of Rvers out there.


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #13 on: Apr 13, 2004, 01:29 »
I am also in the done both catagory. As said before there was pros and cons to each. But living at home and spending time with family will always win out for me. As now I no longer travel for a living and am out of the nuc life for this part of my life's travels...never say never....btw, I really like having the benefits of a regular job, but hate not having the summers and winters off to do as I wish, as I said pros and cons.... :D


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #14 on: Nov 21, 2004, 09:47 »
from an old fart:

As a road warior I learned quickly that moving from one plant to another didn't get rid of someone I didn't like, just changed his name & job in-plant. Every plant has one it seems.

Also learned that all plants change the way they do business every 5-10 years as managers/supervisors move up (or over). If you want a change, stay where you are a few years.
The only thing that never changes in nuclear power is that everything will change!
Road work was much more enjoyable because it was pure RP work. As house mouse, work is more meetings, plant politics, procedures, administrative BS, etc. Guess I much prefer being a road warrior! Just can't afford it.  :'(


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #15 on: Nov 22, 2004, 06:37 »
I've done the house hp thing,commercial,doe,d&d,and overseas.
I have to say road whoring you get to do true h.p work.
DOE and D&D were for sure the least dose,like none for this guy.
Overseas were for sure the most interesting and fun,seeing other cultures and women.


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #16 on: Nov 23, 2004, 09:17 »
I've been a recruiter for several years but just in the last cpl of yrs ventured the into HP. I have found out more about the HP field here than anywhere! And I still have a cpl of open positions if anyone is interested.   :)


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #17 on: Mar 18, 2005, 11:09 »
I liked working for the clean up sites, with a small company. I have always got good pay rent a car, and fly backs.
« Last Edit: Mar 18, 2005, 11:12 by ramdog_1 »


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Re: Best HP jobs
« Reply #18 on: Mar 19, 2005, 08:23 »
Harley Girl

Go for it.  I have been a Non Licensed Operator at Palo Verde for 5 years now.  I did the HP thing for 13 years as a contractor.  They both have pros and cons.  Nice thing about an NLO.  I have my own area to worry about.  I don't have to pick up another persons slack and if I don't like the guys/gals I am around I can go spend time in my area.  Our Shift Managers have it great.  Rotating shift, they still get time and half for overtime, and they rarely get the calls at home.  Go for it.  I grew up in Morganton, NC.  I know you probably like the area but Palo Verde has hired about 50 NLOs since 2000 so com on out.


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